Monday, April 23, 2012

What A Combination, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Can you believe, girls, that today happens to be the birthdays of the two very disparate individuals, pictured above?  I am talking about William Shakespeare and Shirley Temple!!!!  Can you guess which one is still alive?

          Shakespeare, I am told, would have been 448 years old today.  At a mere 84, and still living, Shirley is,  comparatively speaking, young enough to do her signature song, "On The Good Ship Lollipop."  Not that  I am sure she is planning to, but you never know.

         One was arguably the world's greatest dramatist, the other the greatest child star.  Both were geniuses in their own way, and while Shirley does not perform anymore, but  Shakespeare's stuff gets done all the time, they have endured with time.   Imagine if they had been able to collaborate.

         Poor Shirley.  Her stardom was destroyed by what does in many child stars--puberty.  And just when she was being considered for "The Wizard Of Oz."  Well, cooler heads prevailed there, because we know who got that role, don't we, girls?????

        Not that Shirley did not make an effort.  In fact, once she matured, Anita Colby, Hollywood hanger-on, and personal confidante to none other than Jennifer Jones (who played Shirley's older sister, Jane, to her younger, Brigid, in Selznick's "Since You Went Away," her best post-child film!!!), declared Shirley to have the best breasts of any star in Hollywood.  Now, as to how she harbored this info, I don't even want to guess!!!!!!   Lesbian encounters for Shirley Temple????  Horrors!!!!  It must have been humiliating enough
to have both yourself AND your mother chased around a desk by Arthur Freed (that lech!!!!) as Shirley
and her mother did.  And it must have been frustrating not to land the illusion bursting role of Veda in "Mildred Pierce", which, of course, became Ann Blyth's signature role.  But when you were stuck with the same chubby cheeked look you had as a child, it was not becoming to branching out in more sophisticated parts.  Shirley was , by no means, unattractive; it was just that, to a degree, she never lost her childishness, and it worked against her, as an actress!

       But not as a political right winger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       I don't know if Shakespeare was a right winger, and I don't care!!!!!  So, happy birthday to Shakespeare and Shirley!!!!!!  Two icons born on the same day!!!!!!!!!!

      It may not have been the Age of Aquarius, darlings, but something was definitely going on!!!!!

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