Sunday, May 13, 2012

Darlings, After Yesterday, Even Non-Catholics' Bodies Are Pain Wracked!!!!!!!!!!


                                      Girls, all I can say is, what a difference a building with an elevator makes!!!!
Monsieur and I, plus his friend Bill and daughter Alyssa, hauled things out to our new digs in Bay Ridge.  No, this pic is not of that, but it was the closest I could come to.  It was an interesting experience, what with a tenant actually welcoming us to the building (when has that ever happened before????), and everything looking so pretty I can not wait to get in there.  Even the longer commute will give me more reading tine, dolls, Kindle or not!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Bill and Alyssa loved the place, and you had better believe I got my "Wizard Of Oz" and "Song Of Bernadette" DVDs out there, because you can bet I was not going to allow those to get lost in the move!!!!  I could live with most anything else being lost, but not those!!!!!!!!

                                      With the four of us working, we got it done in record time, then retreated to what is quickly becoming our favorite neighborhood hangout, The Lighthouse Cafe.

                                        On the ride back into the city, I completed my ninth reading of "Wuthering Heights" (with tears, of course!!!!!), which, with the work, may have accounted for the dreams I had.

                                         In one, my friend Doug and I were in a diner in Long Island City, where the waiting staff refused to serve ME coffee!!!!!!!  You can imagine the scene that followed, culminating with one waiter bringing out this enormous transparent glass coffee pot, filled to the brim, saying it was so heavy none of them could pour it!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine?????????????

                                          Then, in another scene, some bespectacled academic type, accuses ME of not knowing the meaning of the novel "David Copperfield."  Can you imagine???? I have only read it at least four times!!!!!!!!!  I set him straight.

                                          It just goes to show the effect this move is having on me.  Once settled, I know things will fall into place, but this transition phase is unsettling

                                           Maybe I should read "Jane Eyre" next.  Wonder what kind of dreams that will bring on???? Probably me in the role of the mad wife, Bertha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             LOVE those Victorians, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


  1. Have you read The Stranger's Child by Alan Hollinghurst? I just finished it. I read it at lightening speed, something I normally don't do, as I found it completely fascinating from beginning to end. It strikes me as something you might like.

  2. I have not read that book yet, though I plan to. I liked "The Folding Star." I could be shot for saying this, but I thought "The Line Of Beauty" was overrated and pretentious. And I still have to read the now classic "The Swimming Pool" library. But thanks for the suggesition; I will check it out!

  3. I haven't read The Line of Beauty yet, so I'll reserve judgement on your shooting!
