Friday, May 25, 2012

Darlings, What In Hell Was Judge Glenn Berman Thinking???????

                              Girls, does anyone here notice a slight resemblance to NYC Mayor, Michael Bloomberg????  That alone gives one cause for suspicion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               In the wake of this week being, for me, the Week Of The Move, I must apologize if my recent posting on the Dharun Ravi sentencing seemed tepid.  I guess I was overwhelmed from the Move, and in shock--genuinely--over the leniency of the sentencing!!!!!!

                               Again, it must be said, what in hell was Judge Glenn Berman thinking??????

                               Because, even while handing this down, he chastised Ravi severely, as severely as someone about to receive a much harsher sentence.  His much quoted statement, about how he heard the word "guilty" 288 times--12 jurors, 24 counts--from the jurors, and not yet one word of apology from Ravi, speaks of Berman pretty much feeling the same as many now do about Dharun Ravi.

                                So, why the light sentence?  Berman also said he believes Ravi did not hate Tyler Clementi.  Technically, this may be true, but Ravi sure hated--or seemed to hate-- a lot of things Tyler was--white, of lesser so-called economic status than Ravi's family, less privileged because of the aforementioned.  Oh, and let us not forget--Tyler Clementi was gay.

                                Which seems to indicate that, if the roommate were not Tyler, but someone else who fit all the criteria, Dharun would most likely still have acted as he did.  Whether the same tragedy would have resulted cannot be determined.

                                 But let's just take  up the issue of sexuality.  If you put all this criteria, and substitute heterosexuality for homosexuality, might the same thing have happened???  I insist no, because, while Dharun might have still looked down his smug, self righteous, entitlement nose, if the roommate had been all these other things, but straight, they most likely would  have coexisted, peacefully ignoring one another, going their own ways.  Dharun Ravi might not have hated Tyler Clementi specifically--having had no prior history with him--
but he hated all those things Tyler was--and the most hateful of these, to Ravi, was Tyler being gay.

                                 The two took up residence in early September; the first incident did not happen till September 19.  Which, to me, speaks of a kind of calculation; it gave Ravi enough time to surreptitiously observe Tyler, sensing his frailties, vulnerabilities, and weak points, so that, when he felt the time was ready, he could exploit and humiliate him.  Had he pulled this prank the first or second night, there might have been some wiggle room, but that he waited almost three weeks says to me that this gave Ravi not necessarily planning time, but enough observation of what might upset Tyler the most.  Which to me bespeaks of a kind of calculation.

                                A calculation that was reinforced in the wake of the tragedy, when Ravi tried to cover his tracks, and told friends not to say this and that happened.  His wheels were turning, darlings!!!!!!  And how about after the verdict, when he tried to court the media, and, at he and his family's behest, I am sure, protest rallies were held?????????????

                                Children learn by imitating their parents; and what was learned this week was where Ravi's smug arrogance comes from.  His father refuses to see him as anything but a victim.  His mother shamefully seems to equate  Jane Clementi's grief with her own, saying her fondest wish is to see her son again "eat, as any 20-year old would."

                                 Excuse me, Mrs. Ravi?????? You have the NERVE to say this, in front of the Clementis??????  You still have your scumbag son; they are forever separated from someone not only they most cherished, but who, from all indications, was worth cherishing.

                                  When asked why he did not apologize outright, Ravi said something to the effect that anything he said now would sound rehearsed, and it would not make people, who already do, not  hate him any less.  He does have a point, BUT this statement shows some awareness, if Ravi can recognize how hated he is by some.  And will continue to be.  For, as the years go on, and the case recedes into the fabric of history, like Matthew Shepard, without an apology, Ravi will go on to become that much more hated, while Tyler will only become more venerated.

                                   It is true, an apology might not change public attitude.  But it would give some closure for the Clementis, who, by their example, and some statements, have indicated this was  pretty much what they wanted, in the form of justice.  What they received can only be termed ambiguous.

                                  All of which makes me wonder why Berman dished out such a light sentence.  I never got the impression, throughout proceedings, he was homophobic, and his speech at the sentencing speaks of the outright contempt he feels for Dharun Ravi.   So what was it?  Political or media pressure?  A bit of both????

                                  I say this last; Berman wanted to mete out justice, but not at the expense of sacrificing his good standing in the so-called "Old Boys' Club."  Yet, by keeping this, he does a disservice both to Dharun Ravi, and the Clementis.

                                   And what of Dharun Ravi?  Will what he is about to face--not only the minuscule 30 day jail sentence, but the three years of probation, hours of community service and therapy change him????
I think not.

                                   I have to wonder what Ravi is--deluded, or a sociopath????  Earlier, I had stated the latter; now I am not so sure.  Sociopaths, to call this a credit, have the chilling ability to adapt, to be charming when they want to, so they can go undetected.  Remember the 'SVU' episode about Jake O'Hara, whom Kyle Maclachlan, as Dr. Brett Morgan, openly kills in court????  Before the truth about Jake is revealed, we see a scene where the  young boy expresses seemingly (though we do not know it is such at the time) genuine sorrow to the man, over the loss of his young son.  A sociopath here might have had the manipulatory skill to say to the Clementis and the world at large what was waiting to be heard.  Dharun seems to lack this fundamental skill, which makes sociopathy questionable, and delusion more credible.  Nevertheless, there is some kind of psychopathology at work here; not being in that profession, I cannot even hazard a guess.

                                I am reminded of yet another 'SVU' episode; "Lost Traveler," based on the Leiby Kletzky case.  When the schoolgirl perps, Emma Butler (Quinn Shephard) and Courtney Lane (Lili Reinhart)   are finally nailed, there is that chilling final moment when Courtney, alone with Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) is asked why she did it.  Her response is chilling.  Looking into the camera, before fading to black, she simply says, "Why not?"

                              Which, to me, sums up Dharun Ravi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I can only express my firm belief in that what goes around comes around.  I cannot, however, express any kind of belief in either Dharun Ravi or Judge Glenn Berman.

                                They put American society to shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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