Thursday, May 31, 2012

Girls, This Bitch Is NO Grace Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Would you believe, darlings, that Joyce Bidnick, this week's winner of the
Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, was at one time a beauty contest winner????  See what Time
can do to the best of us?????????

                                             Actually, Joyce has quite a few talents.  If she could put them to use onstage,
she might make an excellent Miss Hannigan in a production of "Annie."  Because both she and Hannigan excel at the exploitation of innocent children.  Miss H in the unethical way she ran the orphanage, and Joyce
in the way she mishandled her responsibilities as treasurer of her community (New City, New York) Little

                                             Since 2003, she has reportedly stolen $800,000, fundamentally from
innocent boys who want nothing more than to play baseball.  This is pretty low, in the scheme of things.

                                               But Joyce's case raises other questions as well.  How did she get away with
it for so long??????  Did anyone else (like her husband????) know about it???? And how does a suburban
Little League team come to have so much money in its till, to begin with?????  Just how did that coffer, when it was full, get filled.  I would bet if Joyce was not on the up and up about where the money was going
to, I am sure she was equally dishonest about how that cash was actually acquired.

                                                  Stealing from the Little League is up there with extortion of the Girl Scouts, or robbing the Poor Box of a Roman Catholic Church. Not that there would be much there, but '
people still do try.

                                                     So, today, Joyce goes from Treasurer to Thief to Bitch Of The Week!
Quite a record she has!!!!!!!!!

                                                     No wonder those so-called looks have faded!!!!!! And, Joyce, if you
think prison affords you down time to beautify, forget it!!!!!!!!  There will be no spas or salons where you are going!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      But, don't worry; this is America, where, if you do something wrong, sooner or later you get your own reality show.

                                                      Just look at Martha Stewart.  And Elliot Spitzer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Until next week's Bitch, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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