Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I could not let this day go, without wishing my girls, who actually are, a Happy Mother's Day!!!!  And what better figure to wish with than, the Mother Of Them All, Mrs. Bates in "Psycho????"

                                    She was actually quite a piece of work, even before Norman taxidermed her!!!!  She and her first husband, John, produced Norman, but, at some point in the boy's childhood, John took off!  Or did he????????  Could Mama Bates (whose name, girls, was Norma, but not like the Bellini opera!!!!) have done away with him????? I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

                                    Anyway, Mother and Norman lived together in classic codependency.  Like Margaret White, in "Carrie" she filled Norman's head with ideas like sex is dirty, and all women (except she, of course!!!) are whores!!!!!!!!!!!  She should know, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Because  what a hypocrite she turned out to be.  Because a man named Joe Considine came into her life, charmed his way into her home and bed (with an aim, I think towards getting the motel), and soon Mother had no time for Norman, and Norman was peeved.  So much so that he murdered them both--in their bed--by poisoning them with strychnine!!!!!!!!  Then, after the bodies had been disposed of, grief and guilt took over, so what could poor Norman do????  He began to dissociate, imagining himself as Mother, so that she was alive.  He kept her  body preserved (none too well, from the looks of things), and went on with his life.  If, occasionally, a young girl caught Norman's fancy, they had a way of the hands of Mother!!!!

                                    Until a woman named Marion Crane showed up, and before you knew it, Mother and Norman's numbers were up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, what better way to wish a Happy Mother's Day than with Mrs. Bates!!!!

                                     "A boy's best friend is his mother," says Norman!  Indeed!  With friends like this, motherhood would be no more!  Fortunately, not too many mothers are like this, so we wish those mothers
the happiest of days!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But I just LOVE Mother Bates!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Master Bates, anyone???????????????????????????????

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