Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Loooooooooooveland! Where Everybody Looooooooves To Live"!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Darlings, love birds are not just circling above Daisy.  Today is another anniversary, of sorts.  Two years ago tonight, Monsieur and I had our first date.  We did not quire realize it at the time, but the course of history was about to be changed.

                                  I fussed with my wardrobe and hair all that week.  Our first meeting took place on a Saturday, in the evening, at the famed Riviera Cafe in New York on Seventh Avenue South.  They still boast the best Bloody Marys in town, but with acid reflux, I have to watch it, darlings!!!!!! 

                                    Added to which, I had to work that day.  Which, on one level, was good, as it distracted me from the nervousness of waiting.  On the other, I could not curl on my divan, getting some extra beauty rest to look my most Diane Von Furstenberg-ish!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I recall it was pouring rain, and I had one of my multi-colored stripe umbrellas; what I called my "Umbrellas Of Cherbourg" umbrella.  I got to the cafe, and no sooner did I , than David, looking charming in a floral patterned short sleeved shirt that I can see so clearly, opened the door, introduced himself....and we were off and running!!!!!!!  Whether it was the relaxation induced by the sangria, or what, I knew, before the end, that David was someone I just HAD to see again!!!!!!  And he felt the same way, which thrilled me.  So we began seeing each other, again...and again!  Until we arrive at today.  Who would have thought that in just two years I would be moving out of Queens, and going back to Brooklyn, let alone Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, going with Monsieur/David is the only way to go!!!!!!!!  I cannot wait to show him the special spots in Bay Ridge.  And all my girls know that I will get much more writing material out of this place, than I ever did of Woodside.  I mean, just think of Nunzio-Lucy and Salon Briana alone!!!!!!!

                                         As for what is in store for us this eve, we are taking one night's break that has been the madness of moving, or getting ready for the move, and are going to dine at a lovely spot which neither one of us has been, called Vice Versa!!!!!!!!!  Rest assured, my girls will get a full report!!!!!!!!

                                          May the years continue as lovely for us both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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