Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh, My God! Anne Hathaway As Fantine!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Darlings, I wanted to be one of the first to share this with you immediately!!!  Here is Anne Hathaway in her role as Fantine, in the film version of the musical "Les Miserables."

                                     The first thing I want to say is, I hope this is NOT how Anne/Fantine looks while singing "I Dreamed A Dream", because all my Theater Queens and "Les Miz" addicts know Fantine sings it while she still HAS her hair.  The second thing I have to say is, the way Anne looks here, just who is she playing????  IS she actually playing Fantine, or is she playing St. Joan, not Crawford, loves, but Joan of Arc????  With this dress, gown or whatever it is--a slip cover???-- it is hard to tell.  Again, when Fantine sings her BIG song she is still relatively well dressed.  So, I have to wonder what the "Les Miz" filmmakers are doing here.

                                     And, of course, darlings, this is one of those roles I have always wanted to play.  Now that I have my singing voice back at full throttle, I can do "I Dreamed A Dream" like it is nobody's business.  Yesterday, when Monsieur and I were dismantling each other's apartment for the Big Move this month, I was singing "The Way We Were."  As good as Barbra, if not better!!!!!!!!!  Get off my stage, Babs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, I am holding out on Anne as Fantine, until I have seen her for myself.  Following in the footsteps of Patti LuPone, Randy Graff, Maureen Moore, Andrea McArdle, Melba Moore, and one of  my favorite Fantines--Britisher Ruthie Henshall, not to mention yours truly, loves, Anne has some tough
hair locks  to fill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Remember, you heard it first, here, loves!!!!!!!!

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