Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Tears On My Pillow, Pain In My Heart, Over You-oooo-oooo-oooo!!!!!!!"

                                       The poor crocodile, darlings!   I certainly mean no disrespect to it, or other
like reptiles, especially since Reptile Number One, Gojira, is one of the biggest and the best.

                                          But the coined expression "Crocodile Tears", best sums up what it comes to
with Dharun Ravi.

                                           So he apologized, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  So what???????????????

                                           For one thing, I don't buy it.  And for another, it validates an earlier statement
he made, about anything he said being rehearsed, and no one would hate him any less than they do already.

                                             He is right on the mark with the latter part, girls.  As for the first, I don't think
this was a rehearsed apology.  I think it was as sincere as he was capable of getting. And that is not much.

                                               Ravi still denies his actions, which he acknowledges as "immature, stupid, and insensitive", were not motivated by any sort of bigotry or hate.  Oh, really?  Then how come, Dharun, in
your statement, you haven't the sincerity  to mention Tyler Clementi specifically, or the Clementi family???? Saying such might have carried a bit of weight,  And gone some way towards the apology being accepted.

                                                 Is this supposed to bring some kind of closure????? Clearly, Mr. Ravi STILL does not get it.  As for the Clementis, who have been a class act from the start, I wonder how they feel about this.  Perhaps it will serve as closure, and for them I an genuinely happy.  But I think more would
have come from Ravi. His apology shows how little he is actually capable of.

                                                 I also see in it a bit of calculation, which has characterized every one of this
young man's actions.  Perhaps doing it on the eve of serving his sentence, he feels he may either get a lesser
time, or any inmates who might not initially will now look on him more kindly.  Hey, Dahurn, you are talking
about hard core prisoners, and you are the new kid on the block.  Take your chances, kid, but whatever
happens behind bars, this statement of yours will not make a bit of difference.

                                                 I don't trust this guy from here to the front door.  If he were to set up a
political booth, at Manhattan's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center lobby, endorsing a gay
political candidate, I would not believe a word of it.  Neither would, I think, most of the gay community.

                                                   Hey, Dahurn, you want to do yourself a favor?  Keep your damn mouth shut; just keep it shut.

                                                   But that is something entitled narcissists are incapable of.  You can bet
he will be heard from again.  Maybe not in as tragic a manner.  But attention seems too attractive to him.

                                                    In the immortal words of Joey Heatherton, "You told me mistakes are
part of being young. But that don't right the wrong that's been done."

                                                      Damn well better believe it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Something like "I am sorry for the pain I caused the Clementi family" might have carried a bit of weight.

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