Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This Is Really Being Kept Under Wraps, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                               Girls, let me tell you, the word on the street is that in the forthcoming film version of the musical "Les Miserables," which opens December 14, Anne Hathaway, as Fantine, delivers a killer rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream."  This is no small feat, dolls, for the song has been tackled by some vocal heavyweights, from Patti Lu Pone, to yours truly!!!!!!!!   Even Neil Diamond, for God's sake!  And his worked, too!!!!!!!!

                                 But damned if you can find any tracks or footage from it.  Maybe the filmmakers are afraid that, once seeing Anne do it, no one will go to the film.  However, not to disappoint my girls, I have found a set of photos, which to me looks like Anne as Fantine in her "I Dreamed A Dream" mode.  Her hair is pulled back, which suggests she is at a point in the story before she sells it. And the dramatic pose and lighting look just right, for "I Dreamed A Dream."  I might be wrong, but to me this looks like the real thing.  Now, I have not heard an audio track, so I cannot tell you for sure, but the word out there is that it will shatter everyone.

                                I don't know why they need to keep it under wraps, especially as I have plenty of confidence in Anne's abilities.  The one I am more worried about is Russell Crowe, as Javert, doing "Stars."
Like all the songs in 'Les Miz", you need REAL singers with REAL voices to sing them.  Personally, I don't see Crowe as a musical player, but who knows, he may surprise us.  Or he may be dubbed by someone else; I wonder who?????  In the 1987 original, Terrence Mann delivered a rendition that, to me, is still definitive.  I can see keeping this one under wraps, because it could fizzle; why we are not allowed a hearing of Anne is beyond me.

                                But, as I said, the photos look like the real thing, which suggests the filmmakers are
being true to the source.  I suppose we will all have to wait till December 14 to find out!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Allons-ons, mes enfants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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