Thursday, June 7, 2012

Darlings, What Can Be Said.......................?

                           ..............that has not been said already, by not only yours truly, but so many others, about this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award????   I am talking about Judge Glenn Berman, who, as of May 21, earned this distinction.  After putting  the state, not to mention Tyler Clementi's family,  through an emotional ringer, he sentenced the initiator of this ringer, Mr. Dahurn Ravi, to a mere 30 days in jail!  Oh, yes, community service, therapy, lifestyle alternative classes, to be sure, but  only 30 days in jail is still rocking the sensibilities of folk all over America, has displeased the Clementis, and those of us who support them. What is most frustrating is there is no accountable reason, and none has been given, even by the judge himself!

                                          After the impressive speech he gave to Ravi on his lack of remorse, and how repellent it was to him, the judge then does the unfathomable, with such a weak sentence, that is not going to register psychologically with this non-empathic individual.  I keep hoping against hope, that, with Ravi now incarcerated, sentencing will be expanded, but Berman seems almost righteous in defending what he did.  He states a belief that Ravi did not hate Tyler Clementi. What he hated was Tyler being gay; so if, say, I had been Ravi's roommate, his hate would have been directed at me.  Because what Ravi hated, and hates, are those who are gay! 

                                           And, of course, had I been the roommate, even with the humiliation I am sure I would have felt, I can tell my girls, who know me well, there would have been an altogether different outcome.  Ravi might have gone flying out his dorm window, or off the GWB itself, if I had had anything to do with it. Maybe I would be in court right now.  But Ravi would have gotten, more to my satisfaction, what he deserved here, than from Berman.

                                             Bitch Berman caved in to the wrong political pressure.  Hence his distinction as Bitch Of The Week.  But what goes around comes around, and sooner or later, Ravi, in some way unknown to any of us, even he, at this time, will get his comeuppance.  It will never make him a better person. But it might make him keep a lower profile than the one of entitled arrogance he has been projecting, right up to arriving at the correctional facility as though he were a media star!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Media Whore is more like it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So, here is to this week's Bitch, Judge Berman!  Even former winners of
this column I am sure are astonished at what he did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Get him before Judge Judy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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