Monday, June 25, 2012

Darlings, Who Would Have Thought Such Cuties Would Be Working In Corporate America???????

                                 Even though we were all paraded out from the Mermaid Parade the day before, Monsieur and I felt obligated to show our communal support by showing up for at least some of yesterday's Gay Pride Parade, and I have to say, I am glad we did!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   We stood on the corner of 28th Street and Fifth Avenue, and were joined by Auntie Alvin, and his friend Gerry.  Auntie looked quite chic for this occasion; I wonder if he has secretly
obtained a fashion consultant?????

                                     Much of what we saw impressed me. The throngs of NYPD members--all hotties, darlings, not to mention the members of GOAL (the Gay Officers Action League, whose meetings are conducted with such exclusivity and secrecy, for good reason; because, if they were open to everyone, throngs of guys would be lining the Center to get in, just to be in the same room with the gayest and hottest of New York's Finest!!!!!!), and, what I could not believe, darlings, Commissioner Ray Kelly himself, father of serial rapist and broadcaster Greg, who marched with all the aplomb and profession of someone who actually knows who Joan Crawford is, even though I am not sure he does!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Of course there were the muscle boys and those flaunting as much  as they could, and didn't we just all ogle, darlings!!!!!!!!  Not to mention those who might be better off not flaunting, but, then, this is Pride for everyone, so no visual discrimination here!!!!!!!!  But what impressed me the most, for their color and enthusiasm, was the contingent of employees for, of all things, Master Charge; you could not get more corporate than that, and here they were, marching for Gay Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So many cuties; who knew they were out there in the corporate world?????
For some of us, moi aussi, who renounced that world years ago due to its feeling of exclusion towards homosexuals (not to mention I was not the corporate type!), as I watched this procession yesterday it occurred to me that maybe it was time to change preconceived notions of this world.  Or maybe, with the marchers parading, those changes have already occurred, and welcome they are!!!!!!!!!!  It was a revelation to a lot of us, not just I, and, while we missed the gay military folk, I was proud of the people here mentioned I saw, not to mention two GMHC'ers--Janet Weinberg, whom I graduated high school with, and Jeff Rindler, whom I have known for years, as well as so many of my fellow Dignity members.  It was a triumphant day for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Onward and upward, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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