Thursday, June 21, 2012

Girls, This Bitch Set The Gold Standard For Bad Second Marriages!!!!!!!!!!

                              Some of my darlings out there may very well recognize the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  It is none other than Lady Tremaine, better known as the Wicked Stepmother from Walt Disney's "Cinderella."  Now, when it comes to the story of "Cinderella," I, of course (being a confirmed Theater Queen) prefer Rodgers and Hammerstein to Disney.  But Mr. D's set the standard for imperious wickedness,not unlike his Wicked Queen in "Snow White."

                                Because of this character in this particular movie (not to mention the fire sequence in "Bambi," but let's not go there, loves!!!!!) more children grow up afraid of losing their mothers.  You can't deny there was an element of sadism to some of Disney's classic children's fare that put many, as they aged, into  a state of PTSD!!!!!!!!!

                                  Lady Tremaine was a widow with two daughters.  Cinderella's father was a widower with one. They combined families, but it was no "Brady Bunch," honeys. Things moseyed along all right, until Cinderella's father died. Then the child was actually relegated to the cinders while the sisters were the Top Dogs--and boy, were THEY dogs!!!!!!!!!!!  I much prefer the pairing of Alice Ghostley and Kaye Ballard or Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick to those in Disney.

                                     What a bitch!!!!  Sweep the floor!!!!!!! Clean the pots!!!!!!!  And cannot even go to the Ball???????  This bitch needed to get balled in the worst way, believe me!!!!!!!!! But look at her!!!!!!!  Who the hell would want to???? Same for the daughters!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But, this being "Cinderella" and Disney, this bitch and her kin get their comeuppance. Maybe incarceration in a third rate brothel!!!!!!  It is what they deserve!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Anyway, here is a winner to set children's, and even some bitter queens', teeth on edge!!!!!! Lady Tremaine may have been a Lady, but she had no class, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Unlike MY girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. And was anyone better in this role than Jo Van Fleet? I still laugh at those "smelling shit" faces she makes! "Honestly, there's just NO pleasing that prince!"

  2. Jo Van Fleet was perfection in this role! As she was in just about anything she did! Yes, her grimacing was priceless! Too bad she wasn't somewhere in "Little Gloria...Happy At Last!"
