Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        "Do you mean 'Fag Day'?" said Monsieur to me this morning.


                                           Actually, that happens in ten days, when Manhattan celebrates Gay Pride

                                          Today is Flag Day, and darlings, I am so old I am not even sure what it means anymore; I am sure it has something to do with commemoration of war veterans from a distant past--like WW I or II.

                                            More related to the present, Flag Day happens to be the birthday of my good
friend, Mary Ann!  Today is a Milestone Birthday; now, girls, we won't say which, but trust me, if Mary Ann cannot believe it, neither can I.  I mean, I can recall her being brought home from the hospital, and to think I am around now, to tell this tale.

                                              So, Mary Ann, whether it is champagne, Margaritas or red velvet, have a blast on this day, and CELEBRATE tonight!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, and I tried to reach Jake Gyllenhaal, but he would not return my calls.  Maybe he's scared of being hit on by me!!!!!!  Actually, I think the poor thing is just terrified, since that heart breaker Reese tore his in two!!!!!!!!

                                                 Oh, well,  I tried. So, Mary Ann, have a Happy Birthday!  And for those whose
birthday it is also, or especially those not, wave a flag , or do something celebratory today.

                                                    But no sailors, girls!!!!!! The Fleet has sailed!!!!!!!!!!!!


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