Monday, June 4, 2012

It Is Almost Summer, Darlings!!!!!!!! And LOOK Who Is Going Shopping!!!!!!!

                                  None other, girls, than that lovable, racallion reptile, Gojira!!!!!!!!!  Isn't he just the cutest thing????  You have to hand it to him for superb fashion sense and color coordination; he is certainly ready for the Summer season.  Whether floating on his back in one of the Seven Seas, spouting water, or paying a visit to check out the real estate situation on Odo Island, Gojira is on the fast track!!!!!!!!!!   Hell, he does not even need a charge account; all he has to do is reach in from above, and help himself!!!!  But he leaves appropriate change behind; he is a film star, with ethics!!!!!!  Talk about extinction, loves!!!!!!!!!  

                                   His taste is so impeccable, you have to wonder if he is gay. I honestly cannot say; though there was that awful Japanese film way back called "Son Of Godzilla", (he was pretty cute, too!) but it never explained who his mother was.  It certainly wasn't Mothra; she and Gojira get along about as famously as the DeHavilland sisters!!!!!!!!  Perhaps Gojira reproduces asexually.  As the presumably last of his species, he may have evolved to that, in order to reproduce.  I don't claim to know the how to's  of such; after all, I never took Advanced Placement Biology!!!!!!!!!  But, gay or straight, Gojira is a favorite on here, and one who loves to shop, no matter what the season!!!!!!!!!  And we just love him, too!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And consider this, darlings--he is millions of years old, and you don't see HIM relying on Jamie Lee Curtis and Activia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      

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