Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This Was NO "Flower Drum Song," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                Tanya Nelson might very well be called the Asian Alexander Forest, after
Glenn Close's character in "Fatal Attraction."  Except this Dragon Lady would have made Close's character seem rational.  For, in pursuit of an obsessive relationship that was strictly one sided on her part, whom does she murder???  The boyfriend who, in her mind, was spurning her???? No, she murders her personal adviser--a fortune teller, yet!!!--and her daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Like the saying goes, honeys, you can't make this stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Tanya Nelson was a married woman, with a husband and several children of her own, whom she presumably loved.   She fell for her brother-in-law, her husband's brother, and they began a torrid, adulterous affair!!!!!!!  Tramps!!!!!!!!!  Eventually, he came to his senses, or wanted out, and of course she pushed him obsessively!!!!!!!  "I love you!" she would scream.  "Come back to me!' she ranted.
True "Fatal Attraction" mode, darlings.

                                    For years, Nelson had sought the advice of Ha "Jade" Smith, 52, and the two had struck up something of a friendship.  Bur things began to fall apart, because, while Smith could recognize the dilemma Nelson was in, her practicality even told the distraught woman it was time to cut her losses, and move on!!!!!!!  But this was not what Nelson wanted.  "I hired you to help me get him back," she countered.
Smith could not do this.  She may have been a spell caster, darlings, but she was not Glinda of Oz!!!!!!!!

                                      So, Tanya builds up a grudge against the fortune teller.  The more it builds, the more she feels Smith is to blame for her inability to get her beau back. She decides to take revenge, but, unlike Alex Forest, who did everything on her own, Smith enlists a ready made accomplice, whom she is able to manipulate by enabling.

                                         That man was Phillipe Zamora, a great big "closet case."  He was married, with children, but desperate to explore the gay lifestyle--ie; have sex with guys!!!!!!!  Except he was too conflicted, or inadequate, or probably both, to take the initiative and seek it himself, so Nelson hooked up with him at a bar, listened to his plight, and told him she would find him partners--in essence pimp for him!!!!--if he would do a favor for her.

                                           The favor involved flying to a section of Orange County, California, which was known as "Little Saigon."  There, she said, she intended to rob Ha Smith, who had a fantastic jewelery collection.  Nelson went into the house, while Zamora talked outside with Anita Vo, Smith's daughter. When they heard screams, both went inside, to see Nelson, furiously stabbing Smith to death. In the midst of this, darlings, she looks at Zamora, and orders him to kill the daughter!  And, like a mindless zombie, he does exactly what she says!!!!!!!!!!   For some man ass??????  Philippe, honey, you have problems!!!! You are not ready for gay sex, yet, darling, if you have to stoop to this!!!!!!!  Stick to listening to some Barbra Streisand records!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            The double murder, which took place on April 21, 2005, shocked the small community.  When they were apprehended, it looked like both would get the needle. But Phillipe was terrified, so he copped a deal, testifying against Neslon, and getting a Life Without Parole sentence.  Tanya Neslon is now one of the few women sitting on  California's Death Row!!!!!!!  No "Happy Talk" for her!!!!!
Chop her up, put her in a wok, and cook her!!!!!!!!!!!  Then throw it to the dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Not only is this duo two pieces of work, they have to win prizes for stupidity!!!!!  Killing your fortune teller, because you don't like her advice????  Going along with murder, because you are too frightened to seek the gay action you want yourself?????  These two deserve to be put behind bars for stupidity alone; it is just unfortunate that this ignorance led to the murders of two innocent, respectable women.

                                                   Hey, Phillipe, you won't have to look much for action now!  You'll be getting it, whether you want it, or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Just think of the musical Rodgers And Hammerstein could have made out of this!!!!!!!  It would have been called "Miss Fortune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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