Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Darlings, There Is No Question That James Holmes Is Straight!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now that people have processed the horror of last Friday's midnight shooting, amateur psychiatrists across the country are sinking into their chairs, trying to dissect
James Holmes' personality. And, of course, the first thing they focus on is his sexuality!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Some are maintaining that he is straight, while others maintain he is gay. And, of course, neither community wants him in their camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But, if evidence and the proof I offer indicate, Mr. Holmes is  straight, albeit he has some sexual issues.  And not just an inability to connect. 

                                       It seems on this website he was on Adult FriendFinder, he identified himself as straight, but said he was seeking women and couples (meaning men and women) for casual sex and flings. No serious romancing, nothing long term, just sex with no strings attached, which, if one goes about it long  enough, usually infects one with an STD!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Which I am sure Mr. Holmes, brilliant though he may be, did not even bother to consider.

                                         However, one aspect of his ad--the one where he said he was interested in couples (man and woman) indicated he had sexuality issues, because the word out there is that when two men "share" a woman simultaneously, she is acting as an intermediary for what they really want--which is to have sex with each other.  But with a female third party present, they can kid themselves that they are not gay.

                                            So, Mr. Holmes was unsure of his sexuality. Which may be one--mind you, just ONE--component of why he did what he did.

                                              But there is a more pivotal indicator of Mister Holmes being straight, and it is not that gay men are inept at handling firearms.  I am sure there are those out there who can.   More to the point is that he has no fashion sense--that red hair on his is SO unbecoming!!!!!!!!  Hey, James, if you thought you couldn't get anyone before, you sure won't NOW!!!!!!!!  And if he had, and if he had been gay, he would NOT have dressed as The Joker, he would have dressed as--pictured above--Marsha, the Queen Of Diamonds, so memorably played by Carolyn Jones!!!!!!!!!  Yes, darlings, the same Carolyn Jones who played Morticia Adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So do NOT try to pin homosexual psychosis on this guy, and hence the gay community, loves!!!!!!!!!!!  Mr. Holmes is simply a failed member of the straight community, whose extreme measures indicate a disorder that was in place--and should have been dealt with--long before he ever moved to Colorado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Being straight has nothing to do with it, either. 

                                               Remember what Ella Friedenberg, the high school Guidance Counselor in Bel Kaufman's classic novel "Up The Down Staircase, said--

                                                 "Environmental influences are often the cause of emotional disequilibrium."

1 comment:

  1. Even if he had dressed as Marsha's Aunt Hilda, played by the wonderful Estelle Winwood, he would have looked more fashion conscious!
