Friday, July 20, 2012

Darlings, The West Village Welcomes Graydon Back To The Nabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          That Graydon Carter! I am telling, you, girls, he is something else!  You would think being editor of "Vanity Fair"--which, incidentally, Graydon, I have never gotten so much as a mention, a cover, or anything of mine published in it--would be enough.  But the journalistic entrepreneur now fancies himself a buddy restaurateur.  Several years back, he did a major makeover on the Waverly Inn on Bank Street, turning a quaint little eatery into a high end place, where Fran Lebowitz has her own table, and where I have not had time to go, what with all the restaurant hopping and apartment shopping I have been doing in Bay Ridge, not to mention trying to find the right tinted moisturizer, reading my latest Lauren Weisberger, while trying to get my hair's texture to match hers--I mean, it is a wonder I have time to sleep, so how can I visit the Waverly Inn????????

                         Graydon must certainly love the West Village, dolls, for, not far from the Waverly Inn is  the defunct (for years) Beatrice Inn, which is now going to get the Carter Makeover  Treatment.  Now, get this--Graydon--what a sweetheart, honeys!!!!!--says he wants to downscale this place, making it not so much a high end, celebrity oriented place, like the Waverly, but someplace where you don't have to wait months for a table (unless you are a person of prestige, like the Raving Queen; do you honestly think I would wait months to eat ANYWHERE????), and everyone in the neighborhood can just go and eat there.  And where the basic thing there will be steak and pommes frites?????!  Oh, Graydon, darling, you are reaching down to the common folk, aren't you????????

                          Well, not really. I mean, consider the neighborhood, the West Village, where renters can expect to shell out somewhere between $2500 to $3000 monthly, and  to own costs anywhere from a half to several millions of dollars. So, we are not talking about the masses here.
But, you know, girls, I will have to check it out!  And I will be sure to reprot back to you!  And, Graydon, dear, if I do not get royal treatment at either establilshment, you can expect to get less than royal treatment on here, and, as the former manager of the Paris Commune can tell you, you do not want that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           It makes me wonder what Graydon will do next???    Maybe spruce up the recently gone under Chelsea Gallery????  Or how about taking over Fedora, a West Village landmark (but not for its cuisine) for half a century, at least????????????

                             However, I have a much better idea!!!!!!!!  Hey, Graydon, can you bring back the Orignal Pink Tea Cup???????????????????

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