Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Darlings, What Is It With These Sex Crazed Itinerants????????

I am telling you, girls, after what I watched last night, you better believe I learned plenty.  Thanks to "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," I discovered
two reasons never to visit Florida or Wisconsin. The things that can happen to one in the most rural of places.

The two pieces of scum who made such horror happen in Lakeland,  Florida   were John P. Jubala and  Mark Leland, two REAL losers!!!!!!!  John was an itinerant drifter and drug addict from New Jersey. He had an aunt there, whom he still kept in touch with, and this is, ultimately, how he was caught.

 Poor Teresa Comfort.  She lived in Florida, was not the most sophisticated of sorts, but liked to have fun , like any young person.  So, when you are young and unsophisticated in Florida, fun on Friday night often meant  trips to the pool hall, hanging out, drinking and noshing on munchies!!!!!!!  Nothing wrong with that!

But, let's face it, darlings, pool halls are not acmes of refinement, and while Teresa was friendly to everyone she would meet there, not everyone, as her sister said, she ought to have been friends with.
And this turned out to be true, when.on the fateful night of May 27, 1994, she met up with John Paul Jubala and Mark Leland.  Seems like they were out for fun, too, so the group took a drive out to the lake, to hang out, and whatever.  Except John got it into his head he wanted to make it with Teresa, even though she had a boyfriend (who was eventually ruled out as a suspect!) and was thought, at the time to be pregnant!!!!!!!! (It turned out she was not!)  He forced her to undress in the back seat of the car, and when, Teresa put up a struggle, raped and then stabbed her fatally in the chest!  Real class, huh???  Mark just stood around and watched....duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eventually, these two scum were caught in Portland, Oregon. Mark was desperate for freedom, so he cut a deal, offering to testify against John, which got him a life sentence, which he is now serving, in a state prison in New Jersey.  Wonder what Auntie, thinks of him, now???????????

You have to feel sorry for Teresa.  Sure, she may not have been high class, or the brightest bulb in the forest, sure she lived in an unsophisticated area, so what else was available to her?  And, yes, sure, she was guilty of poor judgement, but it  did not deserve to cost her her life.  Unfortunately, it did.

That John Jubala!!!!!  Bet he is from REAL Jersey trash, like Bayonne or Secaucus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then there was Edward Edwards.  How prosaic!  He was a handyman, and a skilled criminal, who happened to be an accomplished serial killer.  Years before he committed the murder that eventually got him caught--the August 9, 1980 murder of Timothy Hack and Kelly Drew--he had killed his own foster son, and  another couple, Larry Peyton and Beverly Allan, both 19, in Portland, Oregon, during the Thanksgiving weekend of 1960.  Just twenty years before, and the same manner, in which Timothy and Kelly were killed.

This young couple's only mistake, like Lisa Allison, was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time!
They went to the wedding and reception, and went to leave.  Edwards, who was working on the property as a handyman, saw them, and decided he had to "have" Kelly. He abducted them, drove them to a secluded spot, stabbed Timothy, then raped and strangled Kelly!!!!!!!!!!  What scum!!!!!!!!

It took his own daughter, almost 30 years later, to take action in terms of turning him in. One wonders why Daughter Dearest did not come forward sooner.  His two killings earned him the nickname, "The Sweetheart Killer," and he was sentenced to several life terms in prison, dying last year of apparently natural causes.  He was old.

Which is something Timothy and Kelly will never have a change to experience.  What is it about these rural areas, that drives men to sexual depravity????   No peep show emporiums??? No video stores to stock up?????  Does the hot country sun accelerate depraved hormones, putting them into overdrive????  You have to wonder.  All I can say is, I am not going to any of these places any time soon !!!!!!!!

Which is one of the many public services provided by these shows on the Investigation Discovery Channel!!!!!!!!  They help eliminate your vacation plans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. RavingQueen: Good recap of this senseless murder. However, you must know geography and level of sophistication have NO corner on the market of depravity. Go ahead and travel freely to "rural" areas or stay in your "sophisticated" area. No matter. Depravity is an equal opportunity server---at home or on vacation.

  2. Being a personal friend of Teresa, it is an affront that you speak ill of the dead in such a manner. Teresa was molested from an early age by her father, resulting in seeking attention from males in the only fashion that she knew. A lot of children that have been mistreated grow up with a multitude of psychological problems that they are unable to deal with so they resort to drugs, alcohol, and underage sex. Perhaps you should do a little more research into the people in your stories than relying on speculation and rumors. Teresa was a wonderful girl who tragically lost her life.


  3. Hey, I agree with you her loss was a tragedy. And while I
    admit I may sound judgemental, I am not trying to be. But
    I have known people with similar issues who did not resort
    to drugs, alcohol, etc., just as I know others who did,
    including my best friend from childhood. People do have
    free will, and make choices. Sometimes those choices
    are bad.

  4. Yes, they do make choices. Her choice was to go to a club to play pool, not to be kidnapped, raped, beaten,and stabbed to death.


  5. Agreed that her tragic outcome was not her choice.
    What she should have chose was a better environment to hang
    out in, darling, and not somewhere that sleazy losers go!!!!!!!!!!
