Thursday, July 19, 2012

Darlings, You Cannot Get More Organizational Than This Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                 Girls, who would have thought this week's Bitch Of The Week would be not one person, but an entire organization???   Actually, make that a series of higher-ups in said organization, who, due to faulty decision making, are creating a bad name for the organization overall.

                   The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is...The Boy Scouts Of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     I know, I know, you must think I am kidding.  Especially since this august organization, at least the New Jersey chapter, is famous--or infamous, depending on how you look at it--in allowing one of its prime camp spaces, No Be Bo Sco, to be used as the setting of the perennial screen classic--the 1980 "Friday The 13th."  Camps have not been the same since, and especially this one, where people are clamoring to get in every change they get.  Even I tried to storm this bastion of culture, actually contemplating bribing the "Grizzly Adams" type guy in the administrative office with chocolates, wine, and a good blow job!!!!!!!!!!!  But cooler heads prevailed.

                     So, the organization has SOME nerve in asserting its discrimination of gays as scouts or leaders.  First of all, how does one determine if a scout is gay, when the poor scout may be confused and unsure, himself????  Will uncertainity cost a boy his membership, especially if it is one he deeply wants????  Let me tell you, the Girl Scouts do not discriminate, and since they seem to promote virtue and chastity, you would think they would. But they are more hip than their counterparts!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      According to what I have read, such behavior may cost this organization, not only members, but its existence.  Studies indicate membership has dropped steadily since the 1970s.  I heard of one boy whose mother was dismissed from being a leader because she is gay, and now HE cannot participate!!!!!!!!!!  What kind of Gestapo thinking is that???????????

                        You know the old saying, girls!!!!!!!!!  Give them enough rope, and they will hang themselves.  So, let us salute the Boys Scouts Of America as this week's Bitch Of The Week, and sit back and watch them try to stave off the debacle that they themselves have created!!!!!!!!

                            As Dorothy Parker said, "I wouldn't be at all surprised!"

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