Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Fish Don't Fry In The Kitchen, And Beans Don't Burn On The Grill!!!!!!!"

                          They are dropping like flies, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Yesterday came the news that Sherman Hemsely, aka George Jefferson (and for ALL time, darlings!!!!!!!!) was found dead in his home, at the age of 74.  I am sure there was no foul play involved, but I was surprised to hear he was, so, comparatively speaking, young.  He had been around since I was a youth, and even though Isabel Sanford (may she Rest In Peace!!!!) was a bit older, I thought Sherman would, by now, be somewhere in his 80's.  And didn't you just love when he and Isabel re-teamed for those Old Navy commercials??????????

                            Thank God Marla Gibbs is still alive!!!!!!!!!  I am sure her housekeeper character, Florence, would be happy that she has outlived old George, but in Sherman's case there is the loss of a noteworthy and talented (don't forget the series "Amen!" and the Broadway musical, "Purlie!") actor.

                              I swear, more celebs have passed on in this Summer than any I can recall. I have said that before, but it bears repeating.  And many of them have been TV icons of my youth.  I know Time marches on, darlings, but could we have a break, please?????????

                               Meanwhile, Zsa Zsa is still with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 RIP, Sherman!!!!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Chad Everett also died. One of my childhood heart throbs!
