Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Girls, Can You Believe I Was NOT Invited????????????

                        The Raving Queen is miffed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Last night--and the weather cooperated--  was SUPPOSED to be the opening night of the Delacorte's Summer presentation of "Into The Woods."  You know, with Amy Adams!!!!!  Well, the word on the street was that it  was pulled back because more technical time was needed, so last night turned out to be the Invited Dress Rehearsal. Now, you and I both know that MERYL was there.   Not only to cheer her chicklets on, but to give all of them, Amy especially, some pointed pointers!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             So, where was I?????????  Because, of course, I should have been there!!!!!
But someone--some inept press agent or such--neglected to invite me, and, girls, let me just say that I am more than peeved!!!!!!!!   For this they should just roll me in any night I choose.  Or maybe they are afraid.  Because, with the cast they have and the reputation of this show, this particular production has much to live up to!!!!!!!!! And if it doesn't--or if yours truly should think it does not--then lots of people are screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The fact is, I have high hopes for this presentation.  Next to "A Little Night Music," "Into The Woods" is one of the most perfect shows to stage in an outdoor setting.  It has a dream cast.  It has a luscious score.  Because of what it deals with--fairy tales--the set and costume designers are bound to have a field day!!!!!!!!!!  Plus, the last Broadway revival, the one with Phylicia Rashad, did not match the original--as if anything could-but from the sounds of it, it seems they are trying to go for that with this production.

                                 But was I invited?????????  No!!!!!!!!!!  Hey, Meryl, can we have lunch, so we can discuss how the performance went????   What needs to be tweaked, what needs to be enhanced????????  Call me right away, hon, because you know my calendar fills up pretty quickly.

                                   And it just so happened I was  free last night, at home watching "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets."  I could have taken time out for THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!  Remember the Chiffon margarine commercial, where "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature?"   The same goes for The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Did Milky White know his cues?????????????????????

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