Monday, July 30, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, Sundays Will Never Be The Same!!!!!!!!!!

                       Darlings, all I wanted, all I asked for, was a typical Sunday.  Thank God, I at least got to see one of my favorite "SVU's'--where Jane Krakowski plays Emma Spevak, serial killer of elderly women,  and, of course, my Sunday night favorite, "Nightmare Next Door!"

                         But that was about as typical as things got.  We knew, in advance, Ethan Allen was going to deliver the furniture on Sunday morning,  between eight and eleven--which meant we would have time for breakfast, I to go to Mass, etc.  Well, forget it!  Because at about eight thirty, just when we were starting breakfast, the deliverers knocked on our door.  In came the furniture; one piece was so huge, that, even though we have an elevator in the building, it had to be carried up all five flights.  I am sure no one was happy!

                          Once the workmen left, the REAL work began--opening boxes of books, and getting them on the shelves, so that it looked more homey, and I could glean what titles I need to read to fill in gaps (I still have not read "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest"!!!!!!), how many copies of the same title I have, and, of course, getting rid of more boxes to clear space!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            My project took me about four hours, and by 2PM I was so proud of myself!  Everything where I want it, in case I want to reread.  Well, then it was Monsieur's turn, and as I have said before, for all the weeding both of us did before we moved, the funny thing is he turns out to have more books than I!!!!!!!!  Our living room looks like the picture above, a war zone!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, what if Meryl should call??????  Or Anna?????????

                             We almost had an impromptu visit form my friend, Audrey, which would have been lovely for her to have seen us, and the apartment (which she has not seen yet) in all its chaos!!!!!!!!  As she said, the Battle Of The Bookshelves would have made for quite a Reality Show!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And don't even talk to me yet, about the Playbills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                However, the more things come together, the closer we get to having our housewarming, which you know, with me at the helm, will be the Social Event Of The Season--which right now, looks like Fall!!!!!!!!

                                   Love makes one do things one would not otherwise!!!!!! Would you believe I am going to allow a copy of Stephen King's "The Stand" in our house???????????

                                     Kisses to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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