Monday, July 16, 2012

I Am Getting Just A Bit Sick Of These Two, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, I am telling you, you have to wonder what Vonage is up to.  They want to sell their product, but they come up with a series of ads that makes you think they don't.

                                Like the one with the cute guy holding the newborn baby, while the wife says, "Look, the longer we keep this thing, the harder it is to get rid of."  Truly tasteless, I am telling you!!!!!!!!  Whomever thought this one up did not graduate from Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, maybe those who created  the one, seen above, did, but if so, they obviously have issues with that school.  This couple, whom I call the Vonage Neighbors, are nauseating in look, manner and dress.  The guy looks like a closeted gay from some Christian evangelical sect, while the woman looks like a surreal version of a Stepford Wife (surreal enough to begin with!!!!!!) or, to put it into real context, a grotesque caricature of Diane Dykeman!!!!!!!!!

                                     Sure, they were funny maybe the first two times. But the constant exposure of these two is now enough to set my teeth on edge. Especially here.  Although I have to hand it to the actors playing these two; not only are they making bucks, but they are carving out names for themselves.  But the commercial, and its repeated airings, are beginning to wear thin on my fragile nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Though I will grant you this.  Watching these two from the distance of television beats answering my doorbell and being confronted with the real life presence of Diane Dykeman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Now, THAT would be a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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