Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"I Felt Like I Could Stay Here Forever. And Now I Will!"

                               Girls, I am telling you, after last night's season premiere of "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," entitled "River Of Death," I am ready to give this show another chance. This weekly "Lovely Bones" redux just may be improving, as it goes along.

                                  Last night dealt with the case of Lisa Allison, from Liberty, Texas.  Now, as a town Liberty is not much--it makes MY hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey, seem like Manhattan--but the compelling voice over narration and the actress "playing" Lisa, or Lisa's spirit, in the episode, made a case for small town harmony.

                                     Lisa truly loved her small home town, from the parents who raised her, to her friends. She was all American, darlings, and should have aged nicely in this domestic reverie.  But all that changed on April 3, 1996, when Lisa was a 21-year-old college student, home from her studies at the University of Nevada. Wonder what she was majoring in???????

                                      I am telling you, I don't know what it is with Florida and Texas. They seem to just breed sickos, or sickos have a way of finding themselves there.  I think part of is that, with the hot climates, and the inclination of residents to wear less clothing than their Northern contemporaries, these sick pervs think they are going to get more sex!!!!!!!!!  Wrong!!!!!!!!!  Then they realize it, get frustrated, and kill!!!!!!!!!  Instead of just sitting at home with a DVD player, some porno, and a tube sock!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Which is what Robert Brice (don't even THINK of him being related to Fanny!!!) Morrow would have been better off doing.  But this fat sicko had aspirations--of kidnapping, raping and murdering a woman.  A fantasy which had preyed on his mind for a long time.

                                            Unfortunately, Lisa just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  She went to pick up her car (or was it her parents'?), Robert was across the street, saw her, and seized the moment. Abducting her at knife point, he had her drive near to the Trinity River, where they got out, and he raped and murdered her. Then he threw the body in the water.
Eventually, Lisa's corpse was found, and this dead gal told a lot of tales, which enabled  police to catch this sick thing, sentence him to death, and execute him!!!!!!!!!!.

                                               This is no endorsement for Texas or Florida, darlings!!!!!!  And what kind of sickos are living out there in small town in general????  Look at the Megan Kanka case!!!!!!!  At least in New York, you have a chance, because the odds are high almost everyone is nuts here.  And don't forget--men over 30 living with their mothers on Long Island are most likely serial killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But in a small Texas town, such cretins might initially be branded as wacky eccentrics.

                                                 There was nothing wacky about what this scum did to Lisa Allison.  I am glad that this thing got the needle!!!!!!!!!  And I am glad that, with  such a compelling seasonal start, "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," really seems to have a voice of its own, and kudos to the narrator and actress playing Lisa.  You are not likely to forget her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     But I won't be living in any small Southern town with psycho Bubbas, anytime soon now, you hear?????????????????

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