Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Ah 'Specks Ah's Duh Wickedest Creature, In Duh World!!!!!!!!!"

                           Girls, I am telling you, do NOT eat any pancakes made by Aunt Omaima (pronounced just like Aunt Jemima, but not nearly as lovable, or skilled with pancakes; besides which, the Aunt needs to get rid of that 21st Century perm, and go back to her Southern kerchief!!!!!).

                            As it turns out, Omaima has culinary skill too, but none anyone would want to sample!!!!
Her story was chronicled last night on "Happily Never After".  In an episode entitled "Devoured By Love," it showed how an attractive older man named William Nelson met and fell in love with the then 23-year-old Omaima.  Though, listen to me, kiddies; that whole routine about her being Egyptian, educated, a model and a former nanny, was bogus!!!!!!!!!!  He bought her in a slave auction in the South!!!!!!!!. And if he had had any sense, he would have gotten her home, put her in a long dress and kerchief, and ordered her to clean the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!  Same thing as should be done with Condoleeza Rice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Perhaps if he had, he would  have been alive today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This story could just as easily been aired on "Snapped!" or "Deadly Women."  I had to wonder about Nelson's family, who lived in Texas and Arkansas; he brings a "woman of color" (to coin a Southern phrase!!!) home, and they don't bat an eye???????   No one is THAT liberal in Arkansas or Texas, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          A month later, they are married, and the first month is a  delight.  But, on Thanksgiving Day, 1991, comes a Turkey Day to outdo the Pilgrims at Plymouth!!!!!!!!!!  Omaima serves up a turkey dinner, but I am not sure if Bill gets to enjoy it, because she stabs him with some scissors, and then, for good measure, bludgeons him to death with an iron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         And why??????????  Well, depending upon whose story one believes, Bill was abusing her (and, when interrogated, she would strip at every opportunity, supposedly to indicate her wounds, but I think to entice those horny cops!!!!!!!!!!!!) or she wanted to bilk him of money, like she had bilked other older men, so she could lap up the Southern California lifestyle, then return to Egypt, to start a clothing business!!!!!

                          You know which story I believe, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It was found her injuries were less the marks of abuse and more of someone trying to defend themselves against her--namely, hubby, Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Which is what it turned out to be, because, somehow, with a promise of kinky sex, Omaima lured Bill to the bedroom, where she tied his arms and legs to posts, then proceeded to torture and kill him.

                                But this is not all.  Omaima went on to dismember Bill.  She chopped him up, bagged some of the parts, and got rid of them.  But--she decapitated his head, boiled and cooked it--yes, darlings!!!!--  then wrapped it in cellophane and kept it in the fridge.  His genitals, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When Bill was not seen for awhile, Omaima reported he had "gone missing."  Yeah, right!!!!

                                    But the campiest moment of the show--and I am SO sorry I could not find a picture of THIS, darlings!!!--  was how, after the murder, Omaima cleaned herself up, put on the fanciest red hat and dress, cooked her husband's ribs, added some barbecue sauce to sweeten them, and ate as daintily as a Miss Porter's graduate--just as though she were dining at Sylvia's, in Harlem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Darlings, Bill  was one lamb who got silenced, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This bitch is too nasty to live.  She was tried, convicted and placed behind bars for life,  and will never see freedom again.  I would have handed things a lot differently.  I would have sold her South, I would!  I swear I would!!!!!!!!  I'd sell her South!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It's enough to swear one off ribs, for Life!!!!

                                      Bet Omaima's were finger lickin' good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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