Saturday, August 11, 2012

Darlings, I Am So Sorry About Last Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It was a tough day, yesterday, girls, despite it being my day off!!!!!!!  I got caught in a torrential downpour on beautiful 76th Street, walking to the subway, at 77th, en route to my hair appointment. I had to take shelter under an awning.  Normally, I would have walked all those blocks to 83rd and Fifth Avenue, where my salon is--which you will hear about, later!!!!!--but the rain was so like 'Ranchipaur,' I decided to subway it just one stop, to 86th Street.

                                    By the time I walked out of the ground, there, things had let up a bit, but I felt like a mess!!!!!!!!  I kept my appointment, got the birthday cards I needed to buy, then went to Hinsch's, for a luscious, and, I felt, well deserved, chocolate ice cream soda.  Of course, girls, I sat at the fountain, with perfect Lana Turner posture, because one never knows when one is going to be discovered, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, the sun was out, so I decided to walk home, because I wanted to shop for the special meal I was planning to cook for Monsieur and myself that night.  On the way, at Third Avenue, I decided to stop at BookMarks, the local book store. Just as I was walking up to it, my stomach, which till then had been tight as a drum, started acting up!!!!!!!!  I ignored it as best I could.
By the time, I got to my neck of the woods, I was uncertain whether I should go to the supermarket, or straight home, as I had the nagging feeling I might have an "accident."  We've all been there, darlings, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!  Unless you are Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I shopped, and got what I had to.  I walked down the street, through the courtyard, and into my building, praying I would make it. I just about did, and all I will say is.......things got explosive!!!!!!!!!!

                                     From a chocolate ice cream soda????????  Perhaps I am lactose intolerant!!!!!!!

                                      Forget Indian or Mexican, dolls! It is strictly going to be soup and grilled cheese this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, what has all this got to do with what I have pictured above???????????

                                         All week I had been waiting for what I was told would be the Season Finale (wah!!!!!!!) of "Evil, I."  I knew whom they were going to profile--Carl Coral Eugene Watts, known as the Sunday Morning Slasher, who murdered countless women all over America, and even in Canada.  According to what I managed to see, he was misogynistic to the extreme--if he saw a woman on the streets while he was prowling, early in the morning, it was because, according to him, she was "wicked," and had been out tramping it up!!!!!!!  Forget she might be en route to or from a waitress's or nursing job---something legit that would necessitate being out at such an hour.  This guy had fantasies of female torture in his head from  age  13; he was clearly off his bird.

                                           Well, lambs, that is all I can report, because, thanks to what went  down earlier in the day, I fell asleep during the broadcast.  So much for the Season Finale of "Evil, I."  Frankly, I think last week's segment, about Hadden Clark, the ugly guy who wanted to dress up and be Someone's Daughter, would have been the best one to end on--a note of REAL high camp.  This one, on Watts, was kind of ordinary, which is another reason why it did not engage my attention long enough to keep me awake.

                                            And to think I missed David Roche last night at Two Moon!!!!!!!!

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