Thursday, August 30, 2012

Darlings, Justice Is Finally Meted Out To A Child Killing Fiend!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Levi Aron was named, and it was no contest, last year's Bitch Of The Year!!!!  Imagine my thrill, when I got home last evening, to discover he had been doled out a sentence of  40 years to Life for what he did to sweet, innocent Leiby Kletzky.

                                    Actually, he cut a deal. By pleading guilty to lesser charges--while still admitting what he did--Aron avoided a public trial, and the possibility of Life Without Parole. But, let's face it, girls, he is DONE.  When eligible, if he makes it, it will be 2052!!!!!!!!  He will be 77 years old, and pretty much done. But, of course, parole can always be denied, and it would not surprise me if it were denied to this fiend.

                                        None of Kletzky's family was present, at the sentencing.  Neither was Aron's. Interesting.

                                        And they are going to put him in some sort of protective custody, knowing full well how the general criminal populace feels about child killers.  However, it would not surprise me, if, down the road, Aron is murdered in prison.  Things can happen, guards can look the other way.  I have two words to support this--Jeffrey Dahmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Personally, I think he should have gotten Life Without Parole. But a trial would have put both families through so much emotionally; they have had it, already!!!!!!!!!  And, as far as I am concerned, Aron is out of society for good.  I really don't expect he will know freedom again in his lifetime.

                                            Need I remind you what he did?  Little Leiby Kletzky, of Boro Park, Brooklyn, was walking home from his Day Care Center by himself, for the first time, on July 11, of last year, very soon before what would have been his ninth birthday. But the eight-year-old got lost, and he happened to ask someone for directions.  Unfortunately, he asked the wrong person--Levi Aron,  disturbed hardware store clerk, who lived in the neighborhood.  Perhaps Levi recognized Aron as a neighborhood figure, and so felt safe.  Aron agreed to give Leiby a ride, which he gratefully accepted. They drove to Aron's place, and he fed the boy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, that had been allegedly drugged.  He planned to take the boy home the next day, but while out shopping saw the posters, the community searching, and the ensuing media frenzy. Supposedly out of panic, he decided to kill him, which he did by suffocating him with a towel. Despite little Leiby putting up a valiant struggle.  But this was not all. To get rid of the evidence, Aron dismembered parts of the child's body, leaving some in his fridge, and more in a dumpster in Sunset Park. Both were found, and retrieved.

                                           Even after a year, its heinousness and senselessness endures.  Who knows what more this fiend may have done, if not apprehended???? Fortunately, he has been, and will harm no one else in this lifetime.

                                              Take the key, and lock him up!  But, mark my words, darlings, if he DOES end up being murdered in prison, you heard it first here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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