Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Darlings, Last Night Must Have Been "Murder Your Spouse Eve" On Investigation Discovery!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, I am telling you, it was just like a Junior Prom Theme night, only the theme was murder!  On one broadcast of "Blood, Lies And Alibis," and two of "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," some real pieces of work were revealed--each centering on getting rid of their martial spouse, and, in one case, a daughter.

                                     Let's start with the first one seen, Stacy Castor.  As in Castor oil, darlings!
Well, it seems, at first, that Stacy's husband, David, at 48, died of some kind of ailment, but when looked at more closely, it was found he had been poisoned by anti-freeze. Turns out Stacy was first married to Michael Wallace, a high school sweetheart, fit as a fiddle--till he dies of a heart attack at 38!!!!!!!!  Once that discovery is made, Wallace's body is exhumed, and it is discovered he too was dosed with anti-freeze.  Before you can say Black Widow, Stacy's eldest daughter, Ashley, attempts suicide, with a note--or so it seems.  Turns out Mama wanted to get rid of Ashely as well.  This gal, Stacy, is bad news to be around, especially for any length of time, because, after awhile, she gets tired of being around you and then you are dead!!!!!!!!  Fortunately, Ashley recovers, Stacy goes on trial, and  is given a 50 year (pretty much the rest of her life) prison term.

                                     But there is an interesting postscript to this tale.  As might be expected, both daughters are now estranged from their mother.  But guess what??? Granny, that is, Stacy's mother, stood by her daughter, to the point where she is now estranged from her grandchildren!!!!!  What is Granny's story, I want to know???? And what was the situation with Gramps--or was there more than one??????  The apple does not fall very far from the tree, and Granny seems like one cold customer.  Perhaps Investigation Discovery should do a program on her!!!!!!!! If they do, remember, darlings, you heard it first here!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, on the first "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets" came the tale of Tina Morton Clegg, good mother, hard worker, living in Portland, and working for a non-profit, humanitarian, organization.  One day, two young thugs break in, and, on pretext of it being a robbery, shoot her coworker (who I am not sure survives) but clearly wounding Tina fatally, as she was shot several times from behind!  Her fourteen-year-old daughter is left without her mother, but, thankfully, Tina's friend, Jan, fills in for her.  Sweet,  but hardly Mom.  Everyone is stunned--who would want to hurt Tina????????  Would you believe her husband, Grover??????????

                                       Grover Clegg and Tina got married.  It wasn't the greatest success, but they muddled along. And Tina was content to muddle, and work things out gradually.  But Grover wanted none of that. He wanted out of the marriage, and this S.O, B. wanted out, without having to pay alimony or child support!  That meant rubbing out Tina. So he got his no good younger brother, Randall, who ran with the wrong crowd, to hire two of his buds to kill Tina--for about five grand!!!!!!!!!!  Which they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          When those nasty Clegg brothers went on trial, I know friend Jan wished she could tear into them, and, honey, I wished she had!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Save the state the cost of them rotting in prison. This happened in Portland, Oregon, to where Tina moved, thinking it would give she and her daughter a better life. It ended up giving her death, and her daughter heartache!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Throw the key away on those Clegg boys, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The next murder took place in Tennessee.  Back in 1982, Lynn Orrand, hunting in the woods near Murfreesoboro, was shot at point blank range, by what was at first thought  to be a hunting accident, but turned out to be a murderous conspiracy.  Lynn's brother-in-law, Kevin Patterson, shot Orrand, at the behest of his sister, Candy, who happened to be Lynn's wife, at the time, because she wanted out on her present marriage to make way for a more financially lucrative one with Gary Bush, whom she had been two timing Lynn with.    This case went cold for more than two decades, until a cellmate of Kevin's (real class, this family) began telling how Kevin was unburdening himself, because he had some remorse for what he had done.  Not so Candy and Gary, who got married, moved away, and started a new life.  Well, girls, that came to a screeching halt around 2007, a quarter century later, when these two slime buckets went on trial and were sentenced to life imprisonment, while Kevin got 25 years to life. Even though Kevin pulled the trigger, I think the real scum were Candy and Gary.  Like the Cleggs, and Stacy Castor, she wanted out of her marriage, without divorce or any kind of custody loss.  Gary offered more prospects of wealth, which she coveted, so she thought rubbing out Lynn the best solution.

                                               Actually, darlings, I think the best solution is to lock Stacy, the Cleggs, and the Bushes in one cell together, have Stacy mix them all an anti-freeze cocktail, or Margaritta, and let the corpses fall where they may.  As for Stacy, send her to the chair, and fry the kinks out of that ugly bitch's skanky looking hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am telling you, darlings, what happened to the days when Lucy used to play tricks on Ricky to get what she wanted?????????  Things were so much simpler, then!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    And I am telling you, Granny, Stacy's mother, knows more than she is saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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