Thursday, August 9, 2012

Girls, This Week's Winner Has To Be One Of The Ugliest!!!!!!!!!! And What Crust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Time for Bitch Of The Week again, darlings, and this time I have a beaut, because I have actually had minimal exposure to the creature pictured above.

                            The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Lee Israel!!!!!!!!!


                               Lee Israel is an ersatz writer, who has two claims to her name--a biography of Dorothy Kilgallen, and one of Tallulah Bankhead.  I have not read them, not because I am not interested in either subject, but because I question Lee's credibility in writing them.

                                  Over the years, she has become known, in circles, as the world's foremost archival thief!!!!!!!!!  She has swiped valuable papers and documents from august archival institutions all over.  Eventually, she was caught, and, I think, she did time in the slammer.  And some of those institutions have banned her permanently!!!!!!!!!  And rightly so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Honey, with a face like this, forget Mrs. Danvers!!!!!!!!!!  Who would expect her of anything not distrustful??????????

                                        And would you believe, despite being caught, she is somewhat proud of her criminal career?  She wrote a book about it, called "Can You Ever Forgive Me--Confessions Of A Literary Forger."  Nice play on Trollop, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I have not read this one, though maybe I should.  It could give me some psychological insight into this Kitty Kelly wannabe.

                                           Let's face it, she can't live on the royalties from the Kilgallen and Bankhead books!!!!!!!!!! Or even her memoir!!!!!!!!!  One wonders how she does it.  And in THIS town???????????  Bet it is not on the up and up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Another thing about Lee Israel that may be less known--she is one of New York City's foremost Fag Hags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                On Waverly Place, in the Village, darlings, there is, across from Three Lives Bookstore (a haven for me!) a gay bar named Julius'.  They claim to be THE gay bar, that is, being the oldest one in Greenwich Village. Now, being just a young thing, myself, I cannot vouch for that, but I have been in there, and, judging by the same set of folk sitting at the stools, I would have to say the claim is right, because these are the same guys sitting there I have seen for over 20 years, and they all look like they could be cast in a production of Eugene O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometh."  Come to think of it, you could stage the whole thing in this bar!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Even during my wilder days, I would never have thought of bringing home something I saw in Julius'.  I have heard too many stories about some who had.  For me, and  for any of my girls out there who is a man, Julius is the spot to go when you are stranded in the area, and need to take a leak!!!!!!!!!!!!!  However, guys, I would advise not doing more than that, and women, I would advise you to stay away, because the bathrooms there were noted for being so grungy (to say the least!) they were probably the only places where it actually would be possible to contract an STD from a toilet seat!!!!!!!!!!!  I did have to hand it to the staff for decorating the walls of the main rest room with old record covers--everything from "Annette On Campus!!!! (my favorite) to "A Chorus Line."  I had not been in Julius' in almost a year, but when I went there recently, I discovered the record covers were  gone, and  that the bathrooms had been cleaned and renovated to the point where they were actually habitable.  Guess the Board of Health must have been breathing down someone's neck!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   However, every time I would step into Julius', even on this recent visit, whether afternoon or evening, at the front by the door, where there were some benches and barrel seats, there would be Lee, surrounded by a group of alkie or alkie seeming cronies, all seeming to be regaled by whatever tales she was cooking up.  What's wrong, Lee, are you too ugly for the lesbian bars????????? Or have they caught on to your act and given you the boot???????????

                                                      Whenever I saw her, I would stare in pure incredulity.  Hanging out like a Fag Hag, seeming not to have a care in the world, when she has been a wanted criminal, who has served time.  I am not saying some of the guys who cross this place's path may not have been, but at least they keep it to themselves, and don't brag about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          You have to hand it to Lee, but I am not sure for what--arrogance, or stupidity????????????  Still, she is one of the most worthy, and ugly, Bitches Of The Week I have chosen in my two plus years of writing this particular column.

                                                           Congratulations, Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!  I guess??????????????

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