Saturday, August 4, 2012

Honestly, What Is All The Fuss With Chick-Fil-A, Anyway?????????

                          I would not be doing my job, darlings, if I did not weigh in, in some way, on the Chick- Fil-A controversy, but you may not like what I have to say.

                            The truth is, I do not see what all the fuss is about!!!!!!!! 

                            So, Dan Cathy, the owner, supports the "Biblical" definition of family.  So he is AGAINST gay marriage????????????

                              Why should this come as a surprise to anyone??????  After all, a lot of these
fast food execs are homophobes on the make, so why should Cathy be any different???????
The second thing I want to know is--why is the Gay community getting all worked up??????? It is not worth it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Because, honey, if we are defined by TASTE, and how exquisite it is, what are those of you out there doing, going to a fast food franchise??????????  Do you think I would be caught dead, at a Chick-Fil-A?????????  Hell, I won't even go to the Olive Garden, despite scurrilous rumors to the contrary!!!!!!!!!  And just where the hell is there a Chick-Fil-A that New Yorkers can go to????????  Manhattan???????????  Any of the five boroughs?????????  According to a source, the nearest one in this area is in Piscataway, New Jersey, not far from where I grew up. And I have no intention of going there!!!!!!!!! Certainly, not for Chick-Fil-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I haven't seen Christine Quinn weighing in on this, so I think it is much ado about nothing!!!!!!!!!!  If the company is refusing to hire, or openly harassing, gay workers, that is one thing. But for the corporate honcho/boob to spout righteous aphorisms???????  Come on; is he the first?????????  What about one of the Pizza guys; was it Domino's????????????????

                                  If you are Gay, darlings, you should not be fighting for a place you should not even be SEEN at!!!!!!!  I mean, such a thing could ruin your reputation!!!!!!!!!!  Like going out buggy riding in mid-afternoon, without a chaperone, during the "Gone With The Wind" era.

                                   Save the Gay Rights fight for more important matters, loves!!!!!!!!!!  Let the rednecks and right wings gorge on as much fast food as they want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Some of you may very well be treating them eventually, once they are admitted to hospitals, for eating all this artery clogging food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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