Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh No, Jeanette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          No, darlings, we are NOT talking musical theater yet, though we shortly will be. Right now, the topic at hand is the second installment of "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," which presented the murder case of poor, unfortunate Jeanette Kirby.

                                            On the morning of June 10, 1986, Jeanette, like many of her age group, went for a jog in the park.  Only, she did not come back.  Two days later, on June 12, her body was found, naked, hands tied with flex handcuffs, in Riverbend Park, near Delhi Township, in the Lansing, Michigan area.

                                              It was determined Jeanette had been bound, raped, then stabbed repeatedly, in places, primarily the lung area, by someone experienced at how to kill someone.  One stab alone would have done the trick; Jeanette was stabbed again, and again!!!!!!!!!!!!   Two years go by, and then police begin looking at a series of unsolved homicides in the Lansing area, similar to Jeanette's.  Eventually, evidence points to David Draheim, in whose truck were found flexible handcuffs.  And he had a history of assaults and other offenses.  He is listed on an online serial killer site, so, what does that tell one, darlings?????

                                             David Draheim is a real piece of work.  Would you believe things did not come to court till 2001, almost fifteen years after Jeanette's death?????   Where David, now 44, incessantly and self righteously protested his innocence?????.  Yeah, right, Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is convicted, on June 25 of that year, of second degree (it should have been first degree) murder, along with rape, and other charges.  And on July 17, he gets a sentence of sixty to ninety years; basically, the rest of his life.  Good riddance!!!!

                                               But just wait till you hear this, girls!!!!!!!!   David is currently housed at the Michigan Reformatory in Ionia.  He is now 55, and does not look as Nick Nolte-ish as he does above.  I guess Time, not to mention prison, will do things to one.  David is Inmate Number 213141.  Now, just how do I know this, girls?????????????

                                                  Because David is, maybe even as I post, trolling this site called "Prison Inmates Online," where he is seeking pen pals of the "opposite sex."  Uh-huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You cannot imagine how reassuring this is; should I be convicted, and sent to prison, this means I will still be able to write this blog!!!!!  (No chance of me seeing prison, loves, outside of watching the Eleanor Parker camp classic, "Caged!!!!!!!!!!!")  Never mind paying one's debt to society.

                                                  Just think--while imprisoned, a convicted serial  killer gets to troll for hookups.  The sad thing is, eventually he will find them, as there are women out there who go for this sort of thing.  Don't be one of them, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  But, then, old Dave won't be interested in any sophisticated queens!!!! He wouldn't know how to deal with one!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Isn't the Justice system wonderful,where prisons offer all the amenities of Four Star hotels????  Though I personally would rather be incarcerated at the Monteleone in New Orleans, than in Ionia, Michigan!!!!!!

                                                    At least Jeanette and her family got justice, so the poor thing can rest in peace.  Though I am sure if they knew of Draheim's activities--or that he is even allowed them--they would be royally pissed!!!!!!!!!!!  They should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Hey, Dave, back off!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Paul,
    I could not have said it
    better. Women had better
    delete Dave's misssives.
    This guy is bad news!

    Thanks for commenting

  2. If you want to hear a true story about a incident in Riverbend Park 2 weeks before Jeannette kirby was murder. I've been telling this story for 36 years and even sent in a tip when the police first investigated. And then the same tip when they reopened the case. The tip was about seeing 3 people in the park 2 weeks before the murder of jeanette kirby 2 of the descriptions image of the 3 people match 2 of the 3 I identified in my tips. Just saying

  3. Unknown,
    Very interesting. And the police
    paid no attention?
