Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today, We Mourn The Passing Of A Real Sixties Icon!!!!!!!!!

                                         "If you're going to San Francisco,
                                           Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
                                           If you're going to San Francisco,
                                           You're gonna meet some gentle people there."
                                               ---Scott McKenzie, 1967

                      Oh, my God, darlings, let me tell you!  During my Sixties saturated youth, and on into Middle Age, this song, repersentative of that era,  I would  sing most often, second only to "Frank Mills."  Not only because it summoned up the era. but, just as I was able to replicate Shelley Plimpton's plaintiveness in "Frank Mills," so I would, with Scott's mournfulness.  There was something almost doleful about this song, until you got to the part, "All across the nation, such a strange vibration....."

                      Scott McKenzie hung around the music scene during the Sixties and for decades after. He hung out and sometimes performed with The Mamas and the Papas (yes, darlings!!!!!!!).  But it was this song, "If You're Going To San Francisco," written by John Phillips, but recorded by Scott, that gave him his singular fame, for which he will always be remembered, especially by those of a certain age/Generation.

                         In the documentary film, "Monterey Pop" (worth seeing if you have not, loves!!!!!), this is one of the first performances seen and heard.  It may be the only performance of it existing on film, and it is worth checking out.

                            I know I shall listen to this song today, as I never have before, with tears of remembrance.  For Scott, and for the era he sang about.  And now Scott has left us, and we wish him the best on his spritural journey.

                              Beads, Flowers, Freedom, and Happiness, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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