Thursday, August 30, 2012

With Friends Like This Bitch, Darlings, Who Needs Enemies?????????

                                        Girls, I am telling you, when I saw the story of Lula Young this past Monday on "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," I knew I had found this week's winner.  Only it is not Lula.  It is Linda Leedom, who murdered Lula, supposedly, her best friend, on December 19, 1994!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And, get this, lambs--Lula was already dying from terminal cancer!!!!!! She had not long to go--within a year, I am sure, she would have been gone, but this bitch could not wait.

                                             In De Soto Village, in the state of Mississippi, Lula and Linda seemed the best of friends. Lula, in her "voice over," said they were like sisters.  Linda infiltrated herself into Lula's life, making Lula believe this so much, that, with death rapidly approaching,  she named Linda Power of Attorney, and I suppose she left a large share of her estate--nearly $1 million--to her.  What abut her daughter, I wonder?

                                               Maybe Linda wondered about that, too. Because she just could not wait for Linda to die naturally. So, she hired this piece of scum, Charles Wayne Dunn, to spread propane gas and light a heater in Lula's house, while she was asleep--and the house went up!!!!!!!!!!  Mercifully, Lula died of smoke inhalation. She never felt the flames.

                                                 Not that it made any difference to Linda.  The program called her a sociopath, but you know what?  I wouldn't honor her with even that distinction, because  it does all true sociopaths an injustice!!!!!!  I think Linda Leedom was just a plain old, dumb, White trash, greedy pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Well, this pig got poked, but good, and ended up in the slammer for Life, as did her accomplice Dunn!!!!!!!  Good riddance to them both!  But,  murdering one's best friend is the
height of lowness, so  Linda gets this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Don't invite her to your next barbecue, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am watching tbat episode right now.Wow. How low can a person stoop. What a greedy, treacherous, selfish, soul less woman. She is not human.

  2. I just want to say thank you so very much for the article you wrote lula was my mother and after almost 19 yrs I still miss her today and fyi my mom didnt have a million dollar estate linda posed as mom bought all those policys to get that money the day my mom died she was only drawing disability ssi .and your right linda is scum as well as charles dunn and they both got what they deserved

  3. I just want to say thank you so very much for the article you wrote lula was my mother and after almost 19 yrs I still miss her today and fyi my mom didnt have a million dollar estate linda posed as mom bought all those policys to get that money the day my mom died she was only drawing disability ssi .and your right linda is scum as well as charles dunn and they both got what they deserved


  4. Mike,
    I just discovered your comment yesterday, and answer all readers. I am glad you found the piece rewarding. I was appalled by Linda and Charles; they made me cringe!

    1. Thank you knowing that Linda is not a breakfast person so knowing she does not like eggs and has to eat eggs every day and she hates to be told what too. Do and has too follow directions every day till she d I e's very rewarding and Charles Dunn i sincerely pray everyday he has a 450lb boyfriend that takes care of him for a very long time

  5. Chris.
    Humanity was something this woman was deprived of, at birth!

  6. This is also being featured on a Lifetime show called 'I killed my BFF'. It is always hard to loose someone too soon(lost my mom to cancer in 93) but to have to live knowing a person is dead because someone close to them, that they trusted, and that they considered a friend or loved one is so horrible. Mike, I am sorry that you lost your mom in such a cruel way because her so called friend was no friend at all. I hope that you've found some peace because your mom sounds like she was a wonderful, hard-working, loving person.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts i appreciate it
      mike young

    2. I hope the I'll gotten money was quickly taken away and given to you as the children. No amount of money can make up for the loss of a parent,but that bitch should not benefit from this tragedy. Prayers to the family

  7. My mom was the greatest not because she was my mom but because of the things she did for us as kids as well as the people in the community she volunteered her time to help others she didn't even know . My mom missed so much because of this we knew her cancer was gonna get her in time but for her to die by fire which was her biggest fear I will NEVER be able to forgive or forget what these people did to my family . Thank you all for your kind words I sincerely appreciate it
    mike young

  8. News article states she had no immediate family (Lula)

  9. She had 2 a boy and girl. She was a great mom to me and my brother. I'm her daughter I was on the 1st show. Stacey Rosa

  10. I just watched the "I killed this bff" version of this. So sad. I can't believe someone would stoop so low. I'm so sorry to Lula's family!


  11. Yes, my heart goes out to them, too.

  12. Unknown,
    I could not have said it better!
