Friday, September 14, 2012

"But At Night, I Put My French Heels On! And A Teen-Age Girl Steps Out!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   You better believe it, girls; I am telling you!

                                    In the wake of the passing of Dorothy, middle of the singing McGuire Sisters, I was musing on seminal songs during my early childhood, some of which I inherited, thanks to my older sister who, apparently, had good taste.  I loved the recording of Debbie Reynolds doing "Tammy"--I still cry real tears, over it, darlings!!!!!!!--but on the flip side of the recording, which I discovered by accident one day, was a zippy little number called "French Heels."

                                    Sweeties, I was off and running!  This tale of a teen tyro getting all gussied up to go out on the town in the most glamorous pair of shoes, clicked with me!  Especially as I had grown up earlier, playing with the Colorforms "Debbie Reynolds Dress Designer Kit!"  To this day, I still have no idea what French Heels actually are, but when I hear this song, I certainly want to step out! 

                                       Oh, honey!!!!!!!! Hot  rod cars, trips to the shore, French fries......ah, the stuff of Youth!!!!!!!!!!  But stepping out on the town in a pair of French Heels is for girls of all ages!!!!!!!!
I may even do so tonight, after work!!!!!!!!!  Debbie's song is really inspiring!!!!!!!!!  Too bad daughter Carrie never heeded her mother's advice!!!!!!!!!!! 

                                          You can bet I will, lambs, and do, every time I listen to "French Heels."  Once you catch its beat, you will be effected by its charms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And, remember, dolls, Debbie has had the last laugh!  Eddie may have left her for Elizabeth Taylor, but, lambchops, she has put them both under the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Think about that, as you dress for tonight, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 "But at night, I put my French Heels on! And I prentend I'm twenty-one!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   Some of us don't have to pretend, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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