Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Darlings, Has Madame Kitty Litter Addict Comitted Hari Kari????????

                                   Well, a girl can hope, can't she?????????????

                                   About two months ago, you might recall me posting on here about Despicable Despina (Poulakakis, that is!!!!!!!) and her bogus real estate job, with the kitty litter box, under her desk!!!!  Well, this weekend, at one point, found us in the vicinity of 86th Street near Third, so we peeked in the office window--and discovered the litter box and bag was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Clearly, someone has been reading this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The odds of a deceased Despina are pretty nil.  But one wonders what has happened to the litter box, and such????????  I can tell you. It is most likely stored in the office bathroom, where she can stick her feet in it, while  indulging her gastronomic addiction whenever she wants.  Trouble is, Despina is so disgustingly fat that she exhausts plumbing budgets; the average toilet and tank cannot support that weight, so it cracks. She loses more toilets that way.  Probably forces her to dig a hole down by the bay, after she beats the laundry!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Has the Raving Queen struck again???????  I have to wonder, with that litter box and bag gone!!!!!!!!!!!  But not to worry; some morning, she is liable to find a gift of a giant litter bag left on the office doorstep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Happy foot crunching, and munching, Despina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I took it to work and gave the recipe to a lady at work who loves cats. The pictures below show the results of her work. It doesn't look very nice, but it's actually quite tasty, so I decided to pass it along.
