Thursday, September 27, 2012

Darlings, I Just Love "The Laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 As most of my readers know by now, there is no limit to my taste for trash, especially when it comes to horror. So, while in a store over the weekend, and I happened upon a DVD horror film entitled "Amusement," which I never heard of, I decided to give it a look.

                                  "Amusement" was made in 2008, and intended for a theatrical release.  But when  this post is finished, it will be clear why this film went straight to DVD.

                                      A pity, because when I read the back of the case, I was intrigued.  Three young (and of course nubile) young women are pursued by a mysterious killer, with a grudge extending back to their childhoods.

                                        So, what else is new?????????  But this was perfect I thought, as I have been using such plots for years to work off my childhood grudges. I can honestly say this genre probably saved me from becoming a killer, myself!!!!!!!  That, and not being able to stand blood, nor having the coordination to use weaponry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The women in "Amusement" are named Shelby, Tabitha and Lisa.  Each is given a segment of their own, that makes it seem like an anthology film, until they are all brought together in the present day, with the killer.

                                         There are a couple of things this film does well.  It uses set design and art direction effectively.  When Lisa approaches the creepy house, and the camera lovingly lingers on all the bizarre details in it, you can see some signs of the filmmakers knowing what they are doing.  Same in the "Tabitha" sequence, where she is trapped, during a storm in a house, babysitting for her young cousins, with a room full of macabre looking clown of whom happens to be life sized.  The photography and editing here are outstanding.  So what if it borrows form "Halloween," "When A Stranger Calls," or "Dead Silence?"

                                           The film was directed by John Simpson, who does evidence some skill. But it was written by this moron named Jake Wade Wall, who had the nerve the pen the abominable remake of "When A Stranger Calls." And then he recycles it here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               What he fails to provide is context.  Most films of this type start with a lengthy pre-credits sequence, set in the past, detailing what went wrong among the children, that led to the killer seeking them out as adults. "Prom Night" (1980) is the best example of this.  "Amusement" takes a more clever approach, not revealing this until midway.  The problem is it does not reveal enough.

                                                    Though, wait.  Maybe the credits sequence, showing photos of the protagonists as children--Tabitha is destined "to succeed."  Lisa "to be famous," and Shelby "to shine."--is meant to be a part of this.  Then there is the photo of a seemingly innocent boy, detailing a history of being dangerous and having psychological problems.  OK, fine.  But it still is not enough.

                                                        In what is supposed to be the pivotal sequence, the three kids, in the past, are seeing bringing to school their projects--a set of dioramas.  Each of the girls, does something pretty and appropriate for each one.  The boy, pictured earlier, but never identified, looks theirs over, then they egg him on to show  his.  Tabitha looks first.  Inside, is what looks like a skinned squirrel, arms and legs pulled back, his entrails seemingly exposed.  The kid laughs and says, "It's funny, right?"  (Not really, darlings!!!!!!!)  Tabitha, with genuine horror, says " it isn't."

                                                         And that is that.  OK, with the animal mutilation, the kid is on his way to being a text book serial killer, but none of these kids know that.  And I am sorry, this scene is not enough to send one over the edge.  If I went after everyone who said they did not like my school projects (and screw them!!!!!!!!) I would have racked up multiple killings by now.  What we needed to see was, maybe, the consequences of this scene, where the boy is shown being ridiculed by classmates and/or teachers for this project, which would lead to some deep seated humiliation, enough to carry a grudge.  As it is, Tabitha states her case, the others look on and say nothing. The kid says, "It's funny, right?" which becomes his slogan, but you see no evidence of his having been upset by Tabitha's reaction.

                                                           Later, when Lisa's boyfriend goes in the house, there is this encounter with the killer, where he says he comes from a long line of entertainers and performers, amidst all this gadgetry, which makes sense. As it would if a show biz child having to interact with so-called normal ones, could lead to deep seated psychological problems, as the unsophisticated "normal" kids would not understand the show biz one.  But, alas, this is never developed.

                                                              Plus, the killer is never given a name in this film; he is only referred to, and not even onscreen, only on the credits, as "The Laugh." He is played, and very well, by Keir O'Donnell, (and he is kinda cute, darlings!) but his character needed some fleshing out.  Even in "Halloween", "The Shape" was named Michael Myers, and in "Valentine" "The Cherub" was named Jeremy Melton!!!!!!! So, why not here!!!!! Guess Jake Wade Wall (what a dumb name!) was just too dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              All of which adds up to Jake Wade Wall being a moronic writer, ruining what might not have been a masterpiece, but at least a standard entry in the genre, one that could take its place among others.  But this purpose is defeated.

                                                                "Amusement" will make you frustrated for the better movie it might have been. But don't go killing anyone just because you did not like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Simply ban Jake Wade Wall from any future projects!!!!!!!!!!!

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