Thursday, September 20, 2012

Girls, Get Those Fucking Type A Personality Types Out Of Your Life!!!!!!!!!

                                 You would think, dolls, from the way I have been writing lately, that I am a Type A personality, but nothing could be further from the truth!!!!!!!  I am such a pussycat, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Except when these types rear their ugly heads, as has been happening to me of late.
Well, I am here to say--the career counselors are full of such bullshit, because the first thing they always say is NEVER to confront these types!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Au contraire, loves!  I say the best thing to do is to confront them head on!   Because, once they see that you are as capable of being as nasty as they, if not more so, they will back off, if anything out of abject terror!  Because these ego inflated nihilists are cowards, at heart!

                                    So, girls, here is some helpful confrontational advice!

                                    1.  Tell Type A To Fuck Off!!!!!!!!!!
                                         Not necessarily in those terms, although, if it comes
                                         to that, by all means!!!!!!!  If not, say something like,
                                         "I have just about had enough from you, and if you do
                                          not back off, I am going to play hard ball!  Even if that
                                          means going to the Union, Labor Relations, or a lawyer!"

                                     2.  Make Sure He Understands You're Not Kidding!
                                          He may to be so shocked to see you emerge from your
                                          seemingly genteel exterior, he may not take you seriously,
                                          at first.  Make it clear to him you are simply giving him
                                          a dose of his own medicine, and that, if he does not
                                          swallow the poison and leave you  alone, alert him that
                                          otherwise further action will be in store!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      3. Follow Through
                                          Give it, say, a month.  If, after having spoken to your
                                           supervisor(s), you discern no visible change, take those
                                           actions you said you would, in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      4. Make It Clear You Want Nothing To Do With Him,
                                             Outside Of Work Related Matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                          His behavior has exhausted all chances for empathy,
                                          so let him know that!  And if he cannot, as may be
                                          the case, control his compulsive behavior, document
                                          each incident, so you can present a rational case!

                                    5.   Hunt Him Down, And Kill!
                                           Don't let him force you to leave a job you
                                           have not only been at longer, but are better at,
                                           than he!  Get rid of him first!  Not really by
                                           murder!  "Gaslight" him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  This is what the career counselors are too bound in by political correctness, in  order to
keep their own job, to tell you!!!! .   They are full if shit!  If you follow my plans, girls, NO ONE adversarial
will EVER come near you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Now, isn't that nice?????????????????????????????????????


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