Saturday, September 8, 2012

One Recipe Down, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             After all the aggravation I had undergone yesterday, what with allegedly losing my house keys, not to mention the aggravation of Monsieur in having to replace them, I am happy to report, girls, that we had a very successful, what I call "Julie and Julia" Evening!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I cannot claim to be moving as fast as Julie Powell, nor am I trying to, because there are only four recipes I want to replicate (now down to three!) and I have a whole year ahead to do them. But last night we completed the first one, which was Chicken And Mushrooms In White Wine Cream Sauce.

                                  It turned out pretty well, for the most part, I must say. However, as you can see from the picture, the sauce in the pan, like Amy Adams' in the movie, looks to be of a thicker consistency. Ours was rich, tasty and practically intoxicating, what with that while wine (Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!),but the sauce was just a bit soupy, because I misread the instructions on how the heavy cream should be distributed.  Which I will correct the next time we do this--which will be awhile, because the meal is SO rich!!!!!!!  Monsieur wanted to serve rice with it--you don't serve rice with a Julia Child creation, darlings!!!!!--while I favored something light like fresh asparagus in butter.  In fact, we used the sauce as a sauce for the veggie, because we wanted to eat so much of it, and use it up.

                                This sauce, alone would be great with pasta, like linguine, which would soak up a lot of the sauce, clinging to the pasta and making it extra tasty.  This, some nice bread and white wine---oh, honeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I must say I am feeling proud of my first endeavor. And I could not have done it, without my beloved Monsieur, who is so much more adept in the kitchen than I.  His skill amazes me!!!!!  I am telling you, Meryl Streep would be impressed!!!!!!!!!  And so would Stanley Tucci!!!!!!!!!

                                      The next recipe I think will be attempted is the Raspberry Bavarian Cream, which is simply a desert, and can go with any of the regular meals we eat.  Then there will be the Beef Bourguignon, which we will need an entire day for.  And probably attempt when the weather gets progressively cooler, like on a Winter's Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And there is one more recipe I want to add to this project, also a desert. It is Julia Child's Reine De Saba Chocolate And Almond Cake.  Maybe for when company comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Bon Appetit, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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