Monday, September 10, 2012

This Was NOT "Splendor In The Grass," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        That brilliant 1961 film--to think it is over 50 years old, now!!!!!-- was about a couple named Bud and Deanie.  This tragic story is about one named Mickey and Bipsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Whose real name, as can be seen, was Elizabeth Kallenberger Amirian!!!!!!
What a mouthful!!!!!!!!!!  No wonder she changed it to Bipsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Bipsy had a hard scrabble life.  She started out being the child of a mother who was in an abusive relationship with her husband.  As the kids grew older, the abuse--physical and emotional--was heaped onto them, with Bipsy, getting more than her fair share.  Several years, later, somehow, the mother had the gumption to get she and the kids out of this mess, met someone nice, and married him.

                                                  But you have to wonder what sort of a number all this did on poor Bipsy.  Yet, to her credit, she did not become an abuser or killer, though, during adolescence, she went through a "wild" period of drinking and drugs.  But she somehow emerged from it to became an attractive, compassionate, forward thinking young woman, who yearned for marriage and a family of her own. Nothing wrong with that.  Bipsy was also the creative type--she had tattoos emblazoned on her, she wrote and performed her own music at local concerts and shopping malls, and she could turn a mean trick with a needle and thread.  She was even desigining the dress she hoped to be married in, from a series of different styles put together. Quite impressive.  Bipsy was a real creative type, who would have done welll for herself in New York, or, being from Calfornia, San Francisco, which is where she should have headed, instead of  staying in that podunk town!!!!!!!!!  But she loved it there, so hou could she know????

                                                   Things began to change, when, performing one day at a local mall, she crossed paths with Mickey Wendell Beauchamps Wagstaff, who was from one of the area's more prominent families.  They were instantly attracted to each other, in that way that opposites are sometimes said to attract--Bipsy loved the kind of stable security he seemed to offer, and he loved her forward thinking, creative style, something he wished he could be, but was incapable of.  That should have been the first red flag.

                                                    They courted for a time.  Mickey decided he wanted to marry Bipsy, and asked her stepfather for his permission.  Now, this stepfather, wisely, was not too fond of Mickey, and rightly so, but he told Mickey that since he was not Bipsy's biological father, he should go and talk to her actual mother, who was his wife.  Which Mickey never did.  There is red flag number two.  How sexist is that, darlings????????????

                                                      Somehow, the couple got engaged, and the families came to accept it.  But there were vipers lurking.  For starters, Mickey and his parents were devoutly religious, and belonged to some Christian Fundamentalist sect.  Couldn't they just settle for a picture of Jennifer Jones??????  Mickey, who professed he loved Bipsy, began bringing her to church services, which she was agreeable to.  But the congregants weren't too pleased; Bipsy's tattoos and bohemian way of life did not meet their approval, which they made known to Mickey.  But he continued to see her.

                                                         What turned the tide was a Sunday when the pastor said something in his sermon that Bipsy found questionable.  At the end of the service, she tried, rationally, to discuss it with him, but he would not hear of it, and he told Mickey that if he continued to see this girl, he would no longer be welcome in this church!!!!!!!!!!!!  Mickey begged to stay, but the pastor said no!!!!!!!!  Can you believe this, girls?????????  And this isn't even in the South!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If I were Mickey, I would have belted that pastor in the mouth, told him to shove it, taken Bipsy and joined the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence, in San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!  Things might have turned out better, if he had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            But, wait; as Margo Channing once said, "it gets better!"  So Mickey stands by Bipsy. When he tells his parents, they--get this!!!!!!!--stand by the pastor, and say that if he does not break things off with Bipsy, they will throw him out of the house, and disown him!!!!!!!!!
So he stands by Bipsy, and these nuts, who call themselves parents, do just what they said!!!!!

                                                               So, Bipsy is all Mickey has got--no church, no friends, no family!!!!!!!!  Why they just did not relocate is beyond me!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  The irony of ironies is that throughout all this, right up to the day before the wedding, when she models her finished wedding dress,  Bispy is now beginning to have her doubts. She was a smart girl.  Her mother wisely tells her, there is still time to stop it.  The past several weeks have created tension in the relationship, and as Mickey lets out his frustration and anger, Bispy can see signs of similarity to her father--and she does not want that, no sir!!!!!!!!!  Good for you, Bipsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      She tells Mickey she thinks they should wait longer, to make sure they are right for each other, and feels this is the right thing to do.   I should also tell you, at this point, that, upon becoming engaged, both made the conscious decision to save themselves for marriage.  Which means these two--at 27 years of age--were virgins!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it????????
But, then, never underestimate the power of these podunk towns!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Mickey,  on one level, is devastated.  Here he has given up just about everything--church, family and friends--for Bipsy; now he stands to lose Bipsy, too, leaving him with....nothing.  For what eventually happened, something had to be building in him for a long time.  He suggests they go for a ride, to talk things over, and Bispy agrees.  It is the last time she is seen in town.

                                                                          Driving to a mall parking lot, he kidnapped the girl, held her for two days, then proceeded to rape and then stab her a total of 39 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bispy was tied up, so she did not have a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a sick thing this guy is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, so help me, I blame his parents and their nutty religious beliefs and that  pastor as much for Bipsy's death, as I do Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                             This tragedy happened on February 12, 2009.  Mickey was found half out of his mind, covered in blood, over Bipsy's body, with a knife, when a security guard spotted the vehicle, and thought there was something weird about it being there!!!!!!!!!  Was he right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                  So, this so-called young man of Christan values--hah!!!!!--from a "good family"--another hah!!!!!!-- is going to rot in jail for the rest of his life.  If only Bipsy had had the courage to strike out on her own. She might have found love, and then some!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                   My heart goes out to Bispy, girls!!!!!!!!! She was capable of so much more, and so deserving of something better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                      Even Allison Mackenzie had the courage to leave Peyton Place!!!!!!!!!! And you all know where I ended up, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. My heart goes out to the parents & loved ones of this beautiful girl. I can only hope he gets what is coming to him in prison, & in hell.

  2. I just finished watching the mini documentary. What a sad ending to such an inspiring young life. Both of their lives ruined. May her (and his) families find peace.

  3. Mickey's parents and "church" are just as much to blame as Mickey himself. Buuuuut, God let them thrive and promote more evil and fundie behavior.

  4. actually Bipsy was not a virgin, I can personally vouch for that lol. Plus she was married before.

  5. In what solar system is someone who is home-schooled..."normal"??!


    People really do make their own beds.

  6. I could say the same about mainstream schooling. And I agree with the comment about "church." It did a number that was NOT good!

  7. I wish you'd watch the video too. It has her life story in her own words. Because it seems as if you covered up some things about her to try to obscure her Christianity, which I know she wouldn't have liked. Without "church" she probably would have been dead by high school. Also, Mickey's religion was not fundamentalist Christian. He and his family had very extreme, unorthodox beliefs, that were not compatible with Bipsy's Biblical Christian beliefs. That was the biggest problem in the relationship, until Bipsy tried to end it.

  8. Thanks for the comments. Actually, I don't know about this video you mention; what is it called, and how can I view it. I came away from what I saw very much liking and admiring Bipsy. It was not my intention to obscure her Christianity; she had the right to be whomever she wanted. I took issue with Mickey's taking issue with that, which is why what happened to her is such a tragedy.

  9. Hi Raving Queen, May I post the video here? And I would love for you to hear her music, I bet you would love it.

    love from Cheryl , Bipsy's mommy


  10. Thanks, Cheryl,

    Just discovered this now.
    I will give all a listen .
    She was a very talented
    young woman!!!!!!!!!!

  11. You are very welcome. If you love her music, let me know here on your blog. I would be happy to send you her CD. (I don't use the gmail address on here) I'll get your address and mail you one.


  12. Cheryl,
    Thanks for the offer.
    Very much appreciated.

  13. Some "Unknown" said "In what solar system is someone who is home-schooled..."normal"??!"
    Theres no excuse for that degree of ignorance. I wish I lived in that black and white a world, where absolutions and certainties like that existed, but I guess travel and education are fatal to ignorance. I'll bet you think "every" Hispanic in America is illegal, too? Every black man a criminal, every priest a pedophile, every muslim an extremist, every Christian a backwood, ignorant bigot/hypocrite? I pity people whose lives are dictated by egocentricity and their inability to process abstract circumstance. Do this: The next time whatever it is that compels you to make such statements compels you to: Stop and think "Is this an irrefutable fact, or is it just an opinion"? Because, I promise, once you rid yourself of prejudice and ignorance, you see the world in a much more enlightened frame of mind, and ( of course, this may be the cause and not the symptom) you will realize how little you are in the grand scheme of things and that the only way you can leave your little footprint on history is to do suprahuman thing(s) and that is only accomplished once you accept that small people and small opinions die and are forgotten. Great deeds, words and ppl are eternal. If, IF you cannot accept or process that..just remember the standard of public education in 'Murica.
    In closing, I apologize to the owner of the blog. I would not have commented on such a posting if the sheer ignorance of the comment didnt demand it.


  14. Unknown,
    Apology accepted. Feel free to comment on here
    anytime. I am glad you clariid whom you were
    commenting on or about, as too many do not.

    With so many posting as "Unknown" on here,
    it does get confusing. I respect everyone's
    right to anonymity, but sometimes I wish
    people would past screen names to distinguish
    themselves. If any of you are people I may know,
    I cannot tell from your writing. And if I were to
    figure it out, your secret would be safe with me.

    In any case, present "Unknown" thanks for the
    comments, and feel free to do so under any moniker
    you choose!

  15. Mickey Wagstaff is currently serving his sentence at medium security prison in avenal California. His life without parole has been overturned and he will be released 2029.


  16. Unknown,
    He may be scheduled for 2029, but
    who knows if he will make it?
