Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bitches Come In Groups, Too, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It seems to me there have been Group Bitches selected before, but, if so, it has been awhile, and I cannot recollect the last one.

                              But, first, let me introduce you to Randy Duke, pictured above.  No, he is not the Bitch Of The Week.  A certain group of people earn that distinction, but before I name that group, let me tell you Randy's circumstances.

                               His son, Max, now 14, attends Cade Middle School in Victoria, Texas!  I am telling you, after this disgusting crap here, Texas is not just about Edna Ferber and "Giant."

                               For the past three years, Max Duke has been unrelentingly bullied by the same kid; presumably another boy.  It is ongoing, has not let up, and Max has admirably stood his ground through the kind of torment that, as we know, drive some young people to take their lives.

                                 Recently, in Art Class, Max, who is rather accomplished herein, constructed some sort of airplane, which--get this, now!!!!!!!--he intended to give to a special needs kid!!!!!!!  But at some point, Max, with the plane, crossed the bully's path, and the later attacked Max, and deliberately smashed the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Do you believe this, girls?????????? Not only is this piece of scum harassing Max, he is targeting the special needs populace, by depriving this other, altogether innocent child, of a gift he might have enjoyed receiving.

                                      Well, at this point, Max lost it, and I can't blame him.  "What the hell?" he said to the bully, then he and the other boy began to go at it.

                                         And guess what???????? The school administration suspended Max, and did nothing about the bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So....the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is the Cade Middle School Administration.

                                             What are they thinking?  And as for the bully, not only why was he not dealt with, but where have his parents been during not only this incident, but the three years their son has been bullying Max????????????

                                                 So, Max's dad, Randy, decided to take the action, seen in the picture above, and I say good for him!  Especially, as I learned recently, October is supposed to be National Bullying Awareness Month!!!!!!!!!!!  What a great example of inhumanity the Cade Middle School Administrators are setting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Looks like they need some counseling as well!!!!!!!!  Or maybe just a piece of my mind, which is what they are getting right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    When I first heard this story, I knew I had found this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!  You know what I propose to them????  An experiment I read about years ago in
READ Magazine, when I was in seventh grade.  An eighth grade teacher--this was the late 60s--in, I  think, some school in the Midwest, chose a group of students for an experiment in what today is called bullying.  This group was to wear yellow sweaters all week, signalling their participation.  They were known as "Wanks" (which I did not learn till adulthood is British slang for masturbation!!!!!!!) and were told they were not to speak until spoken to, were to drink only on the water fountain on the third floor, and were to eat last in the lunchroom.  What happened was that during the week these students were targeted miserably, as the student body collectively jumped at the chance to be intentionally mean to a set group of people.  One boy, when the experiment was done ,said, "I feel sorry for those students who cannot take off their yellow sweaters at the end of the week."  Sounds like he learned something.

                                                      Just like it sounds like the administrators have not. So I propose they go through the same experiment, as above, see how they like it, and maybe they will change their tune!!!!!!!!!!  These bitches need to be rehabilitated in some way.

                                                         So, let's hear it for the Cade Middle School Administration in Victoria, Texas!!!!!!!!  What a bunch of bitches!!!!!!!  If I were a parent with a child in that school, I would withdraw them right now!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           "Dear old Golden Rule days?"  Bullshit, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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