Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Girls, He Has Got To Be The Homeliest Man On Television!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I am talking, of course, about Lieutenant Joe Kenda, the star of Investigation Discovery's show, "Homicide Hunter."  I love the show, but just look at him!!!!!!!!!!! Is that a wig????????? And how old is this guy???????  In last week's show, he made a reference to his daughter!!!!!!!!  Like, I hope she looks better than this!!!!!! Or maybe he was better looking when younger.

                              Personally, darlings, I think it is just having become too accustomed to hot cops on TV. After twelve years of Chris Meloni as Elliot Stabler, the notion of "real looking" police is hard to accept.  Even David Caruso, in his "NYPD Blue" days, or  Daniel J. Travanti on "Hill Street Blues," were easy on the eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let's face it, when Jack Webb played Sgt. Joe Friday on "Dragnet," back in the 50's, he certainly was no glamour puss!!!!!!!!!!  But he had the actor's panache!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Not this guy!!!!!!!!! His line deliveries are as flat as anything!!!!!!!!!  I have heard better at kindergarten stage plays!!!!!!!!!  Thank God the subject he covers--his cases--are interesting, and deflect from his presence.  But if this show had a more, shall we say, presentable person, as the "Homicide Hunter," this show could really take off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Why do I tune in each week???????  Like I said, the cases are interesting, and I keep hoping Kenda will get rid of that wig, or at least restyle whatever that mess is on his head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He takes all the fun out of homicide hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Maybe a gift certificate to Elizabeth Arden would help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I know it would do wonders for all of us, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Raving Queen...Mr. Kenda is much better looking NOW than you could ever have been. And had much more purposeful LIFE.

    1. Yes and a kind soul. Raving Queen let's see your mugshot

    2. He certainly has a fascinating wig and it's true it's difficult to figure out his age. And some shots he seems to be 80 years old but he's not that badly lined up yet on his face. Shut up haters it's fine to wonder about Joe kenda's wig. He also does have an almost Asperger's way of saying his lines on the show.

  2. @LaNell Barrett: Right on sister! Lmao! I'm with you 100%.

  3. @LaNell Barrett: Right on sister! Lmao! I'm with you 100%.

  4. @LaNell Barrett: Right on sister! Lmao! I'm with you 100%.

  5. @LaNell Barrett: Right on sister! Lmao! I'm with you 100%.

  6. I do not find him ugly, I guess you have nothing better to do or blog about...

  7. Lt. Joe is down to earth, humble and a real man who doesn't judge others by appearances, which mean absolutely nothing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  8. This is a real detective, not an actor. Look at all the killers hes gotten off the streets! that in itself is very commendable

  9. This is a real detective, not an actor. Look at all the killers hes gotten off the streets! that in itself is very commendable

  10. This is a real detective, not an actor. Look at all the killers hes gotten off the streets! that in itself is very commendable

  11. This is a real detective, not an actor. Look at all the killers hes gotten off the streets! that in itself is very commendable

  12. I find him very charismatic!!! I have wondered about the wig thing myself but either way...I love him and I think he is the real deal.

  13. It's not a toupee, if you can't tell that perhaps you should go back to beauty school!

    1. It's definitely a toupee. Google it. Then go bk to YOUR beauty school. Lol

  14. He is an amazing detective not an actor. He gets paid to solve murders, not look pretty. Personally I think he is handsome. Oh and look closer, you can seen his part and scalp. Not a toupee.

  15. He is an amazing detective not an actor. He gets paid to solve murders, not look pretty. Personally I think he is handsome. Oh and look closer, you can seen his part and scalp. Not a toupee.

    1. Are you blind? It's obviously a toupee. It's not even up for discussion. get some glasses

  16. I personally find him SEXY AS HELL
    He is a real man Not a pretty boy actor He should be commended for his achievments and outstanding service to his community If anyone deserves a TV show Mr. Kenda does
    I wish He would teach His knowledge is unmeasurable

    Anita G Az

  17. @Anita, I agree with you girlfriend! @the raving Queen, you seem to be a very shallow person, and I saw YOUR profile pic....SMH!

  18. Joe Kenda is awesome! He IS the show. The stories are only good bc of HOW he tells them! His deadpan commentary is entrancing. If not for his candid insight the show would be the typical, poorly acted, reenactments. Funny, it's the simple immitation that entices you, not the talented investigator who is real and admirable. Very telling actually, don't ya think? Smh.

  19. Please!!! He is awesome!! He tells it as it is. I DO NOT miss the show. I think when he was younger he was a hotty, look at those blue eyes!!

  20. at least he looks like a real man and not a made up phony!

  21. Love the show and him. BTW, you're not exactly GQ material, dear.

  22. This man has seen so much stuff in his life and seen the hard, mean, sick side of humanity. He was dedicated to finding the criminal and being there for the victim and the family. That's what your face looks like when you have seen the stuff he has seen and his deadpan voice comes from dealing with so many deviates and idiots. I love him because of his intelligence and devotion to getting scum off the streets. I would love to have him working homicide in my communioty and I would bake cookies for him!!

  23. You talk about Chris Meloni. What about Meloni's spray on hair?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I just love, love, love me some Joe Kenda! I could listen to his stories for hours and hours. And I am so impressed and greatful for all he has done for the community of Colorado Springs, although I am well over 1,00 miles away and have never even been in Colorado. I am glad he is getting some recognition for the wonderful work he dedicated his life to and would be honored to meet him. (Oh, and I agree that he was probably quite the hotty in his day, and although he has some years and experience behind him, I don't think he's ugly now and since I'm not all that much younger than he is, I wouldn't kick him out. I think his sense of justice and outrage at what he has seen in his work is not only highly commendable, but sexy too!
    Yup, love me some Joe Kenda : )

  26. Oh man!!! I just looked at "The Raving Queen's" profile picture! And to think you have the cojones to criticize someone elses's appearance? OMG!!! You sure are no "Raving" anything!!!
    And exactly what have you done in your life to contribute to society?????

  27. @raving queen, I realize the purpose of your blog is to make remarks regarding certain people or topics that get noticed, but insulting someone's looks, is so passe' and "mean girl". It's one thing to critique someone's fashion sense, but publicly shredding someone's physical appearance and referring to them add ugly, is crossing the line and says more about you as a person. Having said that, I've seen your profile pic and I don't see a physically ugly person, a hot mess, or any of the other knee jerk responses you received from the other comments. Although I don't think you physically ugly, your blog portrays you as someone who is ugly on the inside. No one is physically ugly. No one! Everyone is unique and beautiful in some way or another. Ugly is as ugly does. I believe your attempt to write a witty and sarcastic blog by criticizing someone's looks, backfired on you when you crossed the line by going UGLY. I'm sorry for the knee jerk, mean comments that were harsh about your looks. I can promise you that you're not physically ugly, but your blog portrays an ugly personality. I'm sure you're better than that.

  28. He is 71, as of 2014. He solved 90% of his 400 murder cases in his career. His re telling of the events is deadpan, matter of fact and humorously fascinating. If he wants to wear a toupee (and I'm not sure he is) then that's fine & dandy by me. He is the real deal. Go Joe!!

  29. Its not a toupe! But I do think he looks a bit jaundice... is he ok?

  30. I find him quite attractive for some reason.

  31. He is SO HOT to me.. and I'm 35. But he could get it, for real.

  32. Oh, girls, get a grip! Of course his apprehension of the criminals is commendable, but, hons, he does nothing for fashion or glamour!

  33. Well "Pretty is as pretty does". I have to agree with the commenter who made the "mean girl" statement regarding you. You strike me as a troll with your own blog so you can spread inflammatory bs. This article shows you must really struggle with creating blog content.

  34. If it is one thing I do NOT struggle with, darling, it is blog content!

  35. Homely? And what the hell are you,Raving Queen? The sexiest man on the planet?

    You wish you could be the man Lt. Kenda is. You know, intelligent and accomplished?

    Kenda has seen and experienced things you could never imagine. You wouldn't be able to handle it either because it takes a REAL man to do the job.

  36. Oh, don't letit BOTHER you, honey! And what are you?


  37. Queer? Who's queer on here, darling? The only thing I am hearing from you is a Big Old Homophobe!

  38. Darling, I am not disputing his career. It is admirable, and his insight and intelligence come through. But I prefer the sequences where Carl Marino plays a cute Kenda--who could never have been that cute in real life.

    Now...who's the brat, dear???????????

  39. Why are people so cruel and mean. They are just insecure and jealous because someone is successful honorable handsome and a decorated police officer. He fought for our country and risked his life every day. Raving Queen ought to be ashamed. After all, you didn't have anything better to do than put up this hate message board.

  40. Oh, darling, you are so misguided. This is not a hate message board. From a professional standpoint, I admire Kenda's skill, and it fascinates me each time I watch. But there is no escaping the man is no beauty, that the one playing the younger Kenda is cuter than the older, and that there is NO WAY he was ever that cute when young!

    Like the boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes," it is my duty to point these things out! Someone has to!

  41. I saw a photo of Kenda arresting someone in one of the episodes. He was good looking. And the actor that portrays him reminds me of David Duchovny.


  42. I think you saw the younger actor, who plays what I refer to as the "cute" Kenda. I used to know his name; it's Italian, but, yes, I can see the Duchovny resemblance!

  43. He's not in it for fashion and glamour. He's a COP. I watch the show mostly for his commentary. It's awesome, HE'S awesome.


  44. Darling, I never said a word about his street cred. And I do watch the show and find it informative and engaging. But face it, he is plug ugly!!!!!!!!!!!


  45. When you have to look at him for an hour, it matters, darling!

  46. Who says you have to look at him at all? Change the channel.


  47. Who says I hacve to listen to you, dear?

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. One person , who seemed to hit the most meaningful subject about his looks, was that he looked a bit jaundiced and wondered if he was OK? , no one even noticed the question. I am concerned too, as many of us have come to care about this guy who did what seemed to haunt him but kept doing it for the safety of the people. His wife is blessed. I also hope and pray he is OK!


  50. I have never discredited Lt. Kenda's accomplishments. They are why I watch the program!

  51. I agree the actor that portrays young joe is good looking.Maybe all those cigs and homicides aged him and dont have to b a detective to see a terrible toupee.

  52. I agree the actor that portrays young joe is good looking.Maybe all those cigs and homicides aged him and dont have to b a detective to see a terrible toupee.


  53. That is for sure. But, remember, young Kenda is played by an
    actor. I don't think when young Kenda looked half so good.

  54. You have to be the the biggest idiot I've ever had the misfortune of reading, you are the exact reason the term "blogger" is synonymous with loser. You are someone who generates their own lane to get people to read your garbage because no one professional would create that lane for you. Then, disregard the few that actually read your garbage. And someone that looks more out of shape and rancid than Kenda at 72 calling him ugly actually makes laugh. And who the hell calls a 72 year old man ugly? lmao Thank you for that, it's the only thing your blog successfully accomplished. And please post a pic of yourself at 72 but judging from your weight issue your not going to make it that far :(


  55. Oh, Dusty, Pauvre Petite,
    You're no Dusty Springfield, I am sure, darling!
    I don't disregard my readers--how dare you--and
    anything here is fit for professional consumption.
    Now, are you? Have you looked in the mirror? Maybe you
    need a good foundation, dear. We all need help sometime.

    I plan on being here at 72, and that is a promise, I will
    post a pic. As for weight issues, well you know what is said
    about people in glass houses.

    Or do you, hon? A trailer is less spacious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  56. You know, I never thought of that, but I would not
    be surprised!

  57. He used to use red hair coloring which is common for older people these days but now his hair is grey. Sometimes they show old film of his statements at crime scenes. His hair used to be fluffier. It was longer back then and as I guy with thick hair I have the same issue. My hair puffs out and gets wavy the longer it gets unless it gets like a foot long. I think it's original with a "comb down" to hide his receding hairline. So he is probably not what you would call bald because the comb down doesn't work unless you have a lot left up top. Glad he lost the hair dye.

  58. Agree with you about the hair dye.
    Cannot imagine him in read. The cute
    Kenda does not have red hair.

  59. Well my friends of Mr. JOE Kenda. I have a very good friend who happens to work at the court house in Colorado Springs and I guess I will just have to ask her how Joe is. I personally love Joe. He is a wonderful caring man. The way he treats the family left behind has always impressed me. My my, he is the one we are all looking for !!


  60. Darling, I have never questioned Kenda's competency or
    caring. As a professional he is top notch. But isn't
    it interesting how they use a really cute actor to be
    the younger Kenda. It's just show biz, doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  61. Aimye M,
    So, it is a toupee! If so, it
    is a rather good one.

    As for me, dear, I have taken
    my glamour tips from Lee Radiziwill
    for years. And I continue to, in
    the face of her passing.

    Which is why I am so fabulous, darling!


  62. Listen, doll, I do not want
    Joe's wig! My hair is fabulous
    as it is!

    Now, go eat beans out of a
    can, for lunch!

  63. Unknown,
    Listen, you thing, I happen
    to wear designer glasses!
    Now, why don't you go back
    into the barn, stick your
    hand up that cow's anus, and
    relieve the poor annimal of
    its constipation?


  64. Unknown,
    I never thought of his speaking as
    Asperger's. I think it is just slow
    and deliberate, belying his profession.
    He has a dignity and seriousness about
    him that makes his persona credible.

  65. vinho want to be rich,
    Thank you for the information. I will check it out, when I have the chance.
