Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I Want All My Girls To Join Me Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Of course, that is, as many of my girls who are able to join me!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Who would have thought that, awhile back, when, on a whim, I started discussing this 1977 horror...well, I can't really call it a classic...curiosity called "The Sentinel," that circumstance would turn discussion into actuality.  Because tomorrow night, at Clearveiw Chelsea, where "dreams do come true!" "The Sentinel" is being screened.  As noted, it will be the first time I have seen it in 35 years, and I wonder how many in that audience will be seeing this for the first time.  Even when it came out it was not exactly a world beater of a hit, though its two scenes (and you know the ones by now, darlings; I have discussed them endlessly!!!!!!!) are what is getting me into the theater to see this curio.  That and the cast--Cristina Raines, John Carradine, Ava Gardner,Chris Sarandon,  John Carradine, not to mention those two cut ups, Gerde and Sandra, played by Sylvia Miles and Beverly D'Angelo, who, in the reddest of leotards this side of Cassie in "A Chorus Line," makes a debut she would probably rather forget, as a masturbating lesbian ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I mean, who is going to pass this up????????  When I first saw this back in 1977, at the tender age of twenty something, I recall the entire audience "Ewwwwwwing" at Beverly's scene, which, while no flesh is shown, is pretty obvious enough that I am surprised that, things being the way they were, this did not get an NC-17 rating!!!!!!!!!!!   And, of course, at the time, I had no idea that this girl was Beverly D'Angelo, who, just two years later, would go on to do Sheila in Milos Forman's film version of "HAIR", (I think it was when I got my souvenir program for this film, I learned that Beverly had made her debut in "The Sentinel."  I am surprised she had the nerve to mention that.  And, as soon as I read this, I remember which role she had played!) and went on to be a great comic actress in some of  the National Lampoon movies, and a fine dramatic one on some "Law And Order" episodes.

                                               So, I am looking forward tomorrow to see if this curio I say I remember so well actually does hold up.  My Monsieur is going with me; he has never seen it, so I am curious as to not only his response, but how an audience of confirmed queens (not to mention a few fag hags!!!!!) will react to this film, which I am certain most have not seen before.  And what kind of spiel Hedda will spin for it.  Is it as campy as it could be? Hard to say, though my suspicion, is that, with the passage of time, its Camp Value has increased!!!!!!!!!

                                                 You don't want to miss this special event.  And I will be on hand, with Monsieur to meet and greet those of you who may show up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is sure to be an evening to remember. AND--and, darlings--it is the SAME evening that BARBRA opens her act at Brooklyn's Barclay Center. So, for all us disgruntled and impoverished BARBRA fans, who couldn't even get a  back row seat, THIS is the event for you.  And if you are nice to me, you may get a few BARBRA songs out of me in the process. I don't charge much!  Just some Margaritas, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Hope to see all my dolls there tomorrow eve!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Hedda pre-show starts at 7PM, with the film beginning around 7:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   And just wait till you see those Central Casting Ghosts From Hell!
Though I still say, they came from the Coney Island Nursing Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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