Friday, October 19, 2012

Someone Else To Watch For, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          This is certainly a night for previews on Broadway this evening, darlings!!!!!! The curtain also is raised on Roundabout's revival of "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood," featuring the only reason, as far as I am concerned, to see it--Miss Jessie Mueller, in the role of Helena Landless.

                                              As Helena, Jessie, unfortunately has no solos (we will deal with that later, darlings!!!!) but she is featured in "Moonfall Quartet," "Ceylon,"  and, of course, the ensemble numbers (including the now classic "Don't Quit While You're Ahead"), so be sure to get to the theater, mark these numbers in your Playbill, and watch for Jessie when she comes out to sing  them.

                                              You know, girls, I am reading the William J. Mann biography of BARBRA. I will have more to say on that when I am finished, but, as I am reading about BARBRA, I cannot help but think of Jessie. Hers is a comparable talent, and she needs exposure.  This is her third foray into New York Theater, and honeys, she nails it every time, and is the Toast Of The Town whenever featured. But she needs a moment that is all HERS, or a show, or at the very least, as BARBRA had, a nightclub act.  I don't know who is representing or managing Jessie, but I am telling you right now, especially while she is in a show--get her a post-show gig somewhere (how about the new 54 space???????) and let Jessie do what she does best--sing.  Let those who did not get to see her in 'Clear Day' find out what they missed, especially since no cast album was made.  Would love to hear Jessie finally sing "What Did I Have," and there are a couple of BARBRA classics I could hear her doing, like "A Sleeping Bee."  Oh, my God, darlings, I am getting chills just thinking about it.

                                           A darkened room, smoking lights, a small, dimly lit stage with a mike...and Jessie Mueller comes out to sing!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sheer Heaven, loves, I am telling you, so while The Raving Queen wants to wish Jessie the best in 'Drood,' the hope is it nets larger opportunities for her and those of us who want more of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And I am still willing to alternate nightly with Jessie as Fanny Brice in "Funny Girl." The only one I would share that role with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Hers is the music that makes us dance, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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