Thursday, October 25, 2012

Still A Turning Point, After Thirty- Seven Years!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Darlings, it seems like yesterday, but it was 37 years ago today that I saw the group pictured above--the now legendary Original Cast of "A Chorus Line,"--first perform that now classic show. And to just think that, three weeks ago, at Paper Mill, I sat through my 38th viewed performance of it.

                                    But that original day was magical.  My father went with me, because he somehow sensed it was going to be important, and I think he did it as some way of trying to understand me, and share something I was interested in.  Which he was too; he and my mother were average theatergoers before I came along, and he still talks about the magic of seeing "A Chorus Line" that day.

                                      To think I had never heard of Donna McKechnie till then. And ever since, it has been nothing but Donna--wanting to be her, stop the show, and wishing I could dance like her.  When the lights first went up on the dancers at the Opening, it was like nothing I had ever seen before, or would again. And when they turned to face the audience, who erupted into spontaneous applause, I knew for the first time I was seeing a genuine hit!  Still one of my most exciting theatergoing moments.

                                        Over the years, as a show, "A Chorus Line" has spoken to me, defined itself to me, again and again.  As it will continue to; I hope this recent viewing of it will not be my last.  But nothing can dispel the magic of that Saturday afternoon, 37 years ago today.  To think, like Mark, in the show, I was  the tender age of 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Not so tender now, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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