Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Is One Sick Sex Thing, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Few come any sicker than Charles Ray Vines.  As soon as I saw his story on "Unusual Suspects" last evening, I knew I had found this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of
The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But I have to ask--and I know I keep asking it--why do these things keep happening in places like Arkansas or Florida?????????????

                                       Charles Ray Vines was a small town boy in Fort Smith, Arkansas, who grew into a 270 pound lug, who made a living through construction work.  Nothing wrong there, darlings, just your Average Joe.  And he was SO average--helping his neighbors with their projects, offering to help them with any difficulties they ran into.  His parents even had a friend of theirs, named Lillian, whom they used to take to church each Sunday. When Charles got to be of driver age, he would take the woman to church himself. She and his family were so close he called her "Aunt Lily."

                                          Good ol' boy Charles married and had two children.  But there was trouble.  The wife would be beaten frequently, and, as she said, he did not want sex "in the normal way."  What does that mean????? With her dressed as a nun,or something????????  Go watch Sally Field as Sister Betrille!!!!!!  During an altercation with his son,Vines stabbed him at one point, though not fatally.

                                            Eventually, this was not enough for Charles, so, in 1993 and 1995 , he broke in, murdered, and sexually assualted Juanita Wofford, Ruth Henderson, and even "Aunt Lilly"--all in their homes, late at night!  But, wait; it gets worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It wasn't bad enough he had a fetish preying on elderly, vulnerable women who lived alone; he was also a necrophilliac--he liked having sex with them after they were dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And did!!!!!!!!!!!  When finally apprehended, after breaking into a house and raping the 16-year-old daughter of one of his neighbors (the girl survived because she fought like hell, and she had the good fortune of having her parents, who weren't home initially, return, and, if the gun had not jammed, the father would have blasted Vines in the head!!!!!!!!!  Too bad that gun jammed!!!!!!!!!!!)

                                               When interrogated,  he admitted to everything--including that having intercourse with dead women was "his favorite kind of sex."

                                                    You can bet this guy was locked up, but good!!!!!!!!!  And will never see the light of day again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       I cannot recall a more heinous Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!  But this guy is just too sick to ignore, so it was almost inevitable he be named a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       But it is the only thing he will  win ever  again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He is totally disgusting...and it was GOD that made it possible for her parents to arrive home when they did,I'm so glad that her dads gun jammed when it did,cause I hope his fellow prisoners are treating him to some forceful sex.Fair exchange is no robbery.So I'm praying some big burly men are treating him to some brutal sex,the pathetic excuse of a human being(and I use that term loosely)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Don't use so many !!!!!!!! or ??????? Please.

  4. That just happens to be my trademark, darling!

  5. The gun may have jammed but it still didn't stop Bubba (yes, that was her step-dads name) from beating the holy hell out of him with said jammed gun!!! The beating was so bad that the piece of shit, Cahrles, had to spend a few days in the hospital. One of the women he raped & murdered was my grandmother, Ruth Henderson. She was an amazing woman & left behind a world of people who loved & adored her. He will have to stand before God for what he did to these women & that is the only thing that gives me peace.

  6. The gun may have jammed but it still didn't stop Bubba (yes, that was her step-dads name) from beating the holy hell out of him with said jammed gun!!! The beating was so bad that the piece of shit, Cahrles, had to spend a few days in the hospital. One of the women he raped & murdered was my grandmother, Ruth Henderson. She was an amazing woman & left behind a world of people who loved & adored her. He will have to stand before God for what he did to these women & that is the only thing that gives me peace.

  7. I am sorry your grandmother was one of the sicko's victims. Yes, he will
    have to give an accounting eventually. My best to you and yours!

  8. Your exclamation marks and question marks were absolutely needed!!!! This man was beyond evil!!!


  9. Thanks for the comment. You are right--he WAS beyond evil!

  10. My mom dated him from 1990-1991 and he lived with us during that time, I was a 15-16 year old girl in 9th and 10th grade. He was drunk and tried to punch mom once but i didn't hear that story until after she left him. He liked to drink moonshine and would lose his temper and one night he was sharpening a kitchen knife and got pissed and threw it at the door which scared my mom enough that the next day after he left for work, we packed our shit and left. I'm so glad my mom had the balls to get out when she knew it wasn't safe... we could have been victims too


  11. H,
    That is one scary story.
    I am glad both your mother and
    yourself are OK. But it shows
    how carefully these folk are
    out there, and hidden.

  12. He passed away in a Little Rock hospital of cancer. 8-25-2019


  13. Unknown,
    I had no idea. I feel bad for
    anyone who suffers cancer, but
    I can't say I feel sorry this
    sicko is gone.


  14. Unknown,

    I am open to this.
    But give me some more info
    on here, first. What would
    you like to discuss with me?

  15. I was actually asking the lady who's mother dated CRV. I received a letter from him while he was in prison and he came as close as you can to admitting to another crime.

    1. What was the crime? Sorry for the delay in response but today is only the second time I've looked at this site. If you'd like to communicate with me, is there some way I can contact you?



  16. Unknown,
    As far as messaging, you are doing it
    right now, on here. So, if there is
    something you wish to discuss, just
    let me know on here. Thanks!


  17. Unknown,
    Now, that is very interesting. I
    wonder what crime he was referring to?


  18. H,
    For the time being, just reach out on here!
