Tuesday, October 23, 2012

To Think This Is What I Thought Adulthood Would Be!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Really, darlings; I am not kidding!!!!!!!!! When I used to watch "The Dick Van Dyke Show" on TV, and see Rob, Sally and Buddy, working in the office, this is what I thought adult workplace life would be like!!!!!!!!!!!  Not that I had any aspirations to being a comedy writer--maybe I should have reconsidered--indeed, as I set out on this path, I saw myself as heavily dramatic, girls!!!!!!!!!!  My dream part was Edmund Tyrone in "Long Day's Journey Into Night," not Morey Amsterdam as Buddy Sorrell. Maybe I should have given more thought to playing Buddy.  But, then, I was a lot taller than Morey Amsterdam, who always reminded me of my favorite uncle, Uncle Jack, who WAS short!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And IF I had turned out as a comedy writer, God forbid, I would be in California right now, instead of New York, probably barfing into a garbage basket, over having to write vulgarities for Charlie Sheen on "Two And A Half Men," or things to that effect.  And, listen, you want to know where Sheen gets his material????????  Off of the average men's room wall!!!!!!!!!!!  Must be spending lots of time there, Charlie!!!!!!!!! Wonder if he's picking up more than gags???????????

                               How could I have foreseen that that whole world on the Van Dyke show would have emigrated to California?????????? And that it would decline from the sophistication it was to the slop the present day shows now are?????????  So, it seems my notion of adulthood was doomed from the start!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Until I discovered Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie in "That Girl!"

                                   But that's another posting, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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