Monday, November 26, 2012

Girls, We Just LOVE Marjorie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How did I miss this one, darlings?????????????????

                                        When it comes to neighborhood scolds, it is indisputable that Almira Gulch (Margaret Hamilton, in the Kansas sequence of "The Wizard Of Oz") takes the prize, what with abducting an innocent child's dog--one, who was about as brutal as a submissive bottom in and S and M club!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, if, like me, you grew up on North Tenth Avenue, in Highland Park, New Jersey, there was our own neighborhood scold, Mrs. Best!!!!!!!!!!!  Only, there was no Mr. Best around; he must have kicked the bucket or ran out long before I was old enough to remember anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Which brings me to Marjorie Nugent!!!!!!!!!!!!  She had to be the most hated woman in Carthage, Texas!!!!!!!!!  To look at the above photo, you would think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but, let me tell you, sweeties, these are the ones you have to watch out for!

                                               Marjorie never had a kind word  for anyone.  Her son, Rod, was estranged from her, and it seems everyone in town knew her, because at one time or another she had been condescending or belittling to them, and they never forgot it!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When her husband of all too many years--I think his name was Bill--died, there were some who cheered him on, because at least he was free from Marjorie!  And there were others who said living with Marjorie is what killed him. I would not doubt it.

                                                 Now, Bernie Tiede ran the local funeral parlor in town, so he handled the funeral of Marjorie's husband.  However, Bernie was a real snake--butter wouldn't melt in his mouth either, but everyone seemed to LOVE him.  A mortician, churchgoer, chorister and director of community musical theater--UHM, HM!!!!!!!!!!  WATCH OUT THERE!!!!!!--he began to console Marjorie in, shall we say, a "Harold and Maude" kind of way!!!!!!!!!  Did they do the Nasty????????  Ewwwwwwwwww!  I do not think so, because Marjorie was just not as fun loving as Ruth Gordon's Maude. And when some things later came out about Bernie, which I will reveal--WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Let's face it, neither one was much to look it!!!!!!!!  But, being estranged from Rod, I think Marjorie came to look on Bernie as a son--someone to watch over her, take care of her, etc!!!!!!!!!!!  And Bernie played this to the hilt, because  you know damn well he was out for big bucks!!!!!!!!  Because, darlings, Marjorie had money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Bernie cajoled to Marjorie for three years--her husband died in 1993.  But things exploded the night of November 19, 1996.  Marjorie suddenly "vanished."  No one had a clue--and at first no one cared. But when her stockbroker, nine months later, needed her to sign documents, and with Bernie covering tracks as though hiding something, they got son Rod to let them go in the house.  The house was empty, but in the back was a big freezer, taped shut. Well, girls, they undid that freezer, and guess who was in there, with all the frozen veggies???????   You got it!!!!!!!!!!  Marjorie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Bernie was in deep shit.  According to what one wants to believe, he was driven to do it out of rage, because he was tired of enduring her verbal abuse for the past three years, even though he did everything for her. Hey, Bernie, didn't anyone tell you, you could just walk away????????  What I believe, and it has been theorized, is that Marjorie somehow caught on that Bernie was fleecing her out of cash, she was going to tell, and he killed her to stop that.  Because when the dust settled, Bernie was the beneficiary of Marjorie's will!!!!!!!!  And for the nine months leading up to her being found, he was living high off the hog, treating himself to cars, donating to charities to make himself feel like a hero--Bernie, you don't fool me one bit, you were just one big fat tub of GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You may have looked well fed to start out with, but it certainly did not end there!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        And guess what??????? Now, remember, I said Bernie was not much to look at!!!!!!!!! When the police searched his house, they found, among other things, a cache of videocassettes, all home-made, and all featuring Bernie and other guys doing the Nasty on them!!!!!!!!  I sure hope they did not recreate this in the movie with Jack Black!!!!!!!!  Again, ewwwwwwwwwwwww!
You just know those guys with Bernie had to have been paid for!  I mean, who else would have him?????? And you just know that they had no idea they were being photographed!!!!!!!! What a rotten blackmailer Bernie was!!!!!!!!!!! It's too bad his "costars" couldn't file any lawsuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        But get this!!!!!!!!!!!!  Carthage thought SO highly of Bernie, that, even after he confessed, some did not believe it, and thought Marjorie had gotten what she asked for!!!!!!! Which meant that when it came time for a trial, it had to be done in another venue!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Which it was, and that rattlesnake Bernie got the surprise of his life, when he was convicted and given a Life Sentence. He truly expected to be acquitted!!!!!!!  Guess again, Bern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                I learned about all this last night, while watching "Sins And Secrets" on Investigation Discovery. Halfway through, Monsieur turned to me, and said there had been a recent movie of this, starring Jack Black, and Shirley MacLaine!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 "Huh??????,"  I said!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Well, lambs, it is true!!!!!!!!!!! "Bernie," the film, was released last year; it must have played for a week!!!!!!!!!   Shirley and Jack did star, and from the looks of it, it seems they were well cast!!!!!!!!!!  I gather it was a serio-comic look at the case, with Jack Black giving a serio-comic performance. You could fool me, girls; in the first place, I don't consider Jack Black much of anything, let alone serio!!!!!!!!!!!!  But after seeing this story last night, I have to say the casting makes sense!!!!!
Is it a good film??????????????  You know I will tell you, if I see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Marjorie Nugent was certainly no Marjorie Morningstar!!!!!!!!
I am just sorry I could not play her--what a blast that would have been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        And it is just amazing what you can freeze, these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Coincidentally, I just watched this on dvd (from Netflix) last night. I had seen it that "one week" it played in theatres! You MUST see it. You of all people will just love it! Some of the actual townspeople play themselves being interviewed. One woman, looking and sounding alot like Paula Deen drawls "Marjorie Nugent? Oh honey, most people in this town would have shot her for five dollars!".


  2. I have to agree with you--this sounds tailor made for me!!!!!!! And a hoot! I can see the musical opening right now, at the Winter Garden--and starring--which I think is PERFECT casting--Nathan Lane and Estelle Parsons!!!!!!!!!

    I am surprised the Fringe Festival has not come up with this. If they could do "The Human Centipede," this should be a snap!

    But I will check out the film! Thanks!
