Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Am Not One To Endorse Murder, Darlings!!!!! But I Think This Is One Time When Dexter Might Have Helped!!!!!!!!!

                                    You all know Dexter, girls, America's most lovable and quasi-moral serial killer, who has his own TV show.  Despite serial killers being an almost avocation for me, I have to confess I have never watched a single episode. Not from disdain; I just never got around to it.

                                      But after watching the story of this week's Bitch Of The Week last night, I got to thinking, if there were a real Dexter out there, I might pick up the phone, and call.  Hell, maybe someone in the facility where she is incarcerated just might do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Ellen Snyder!

                                          In the scheme of things, Ellen was your garden variety bitch-- a harridan who essentially murdered her husband to get rid of him, because he was becoming too much of an inconvenience, and to get at his money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But she was no Phyllis Dietrichson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            It was the underlying aspects of Ellen's story that made her so despicable, and hence eligible here for this prize.  Her husband, Mike Snyder, (and isn't he just kinda cute, darlings????) was gunned down by his wife in early January 2002.  Ellen immediately began spilling so many yarns, she should have taken up creative writing as a career.  First she said Mike had left; that he had walked out on his family. Then she said he ran off to Phoenix to have a gay relationship with a man no one ever heard of named David Simmons.  Next she said she heard from Mike, that he had called her, was fine, but was not coming back.  It just gets better.  In 2004 and 2005 Mike was found to have filed income tax returns.  There were even rumors something had happened to Mike; that he was buried somewhere in the back yard of where the Snyders had been living in 2002.

                                            Ellen also maintained Mike was an abuser.  I have no doubt every marriage has its ups and downs, and she and Mike no doubt had theirs. But, hey, Ellen had been married before, so her track record was not exactly perfect.  And from this marriage, she had a son, Michael Sheffield, who was 17, at the time Mike allegedly disappeared.

                                                This Ellen was some piece of work. She came to work with sunglasses hiding bruises, which she said Mike had given--and there were some who said she had planted them there, herself. Based on what happened, I am inclined to agree.

                                                   Son Michael had a good friend, Patrick, whom he told everything to. Patrick was working for Ellen for a time; she was a service manager at a mechanics company. Eventually, she was forced to fire him, for lack of productivity--the higher ups told her to--and that is when Patrick took matters into his own hands, going to the police, telling them Mike Snyder had been murdered eight years before--it was now 2010--by his wife, and son Michael had helped Ellen dispose of him. And how did he know this???? Because the somewhat guilt ridden Michael would tell him this--all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      During the marriage, Mike also developed a debilitating case of Multiple Sclerosis. He was on disability, and Ellen was forced to take care of him, which was none too thrilling for her. She insists on the night of the murder, Mike woke her up yelling, she felt threatened, she went for a gun (whom she had borrowed from a coworker) and shot Mike.  He ran, she kept shooting,, till he went down. Eight years later, reinvestigating things, a cold case detective found the story to be fabricated; Mike had actually been gunned down, sleeping in his bed.  How physically active can one afflicted with MS be, girls??????  Just ask Annette Funicello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Does any of this sound familiar??? It reminds me of that no good Charlotte Bayes, played by Isabella Hoffman, in the 2003 "Cold Case" episode. "Churchgoing People."  I have to wonder if the writers of that segment got some ideas from Ellen, here.  Ellen was not an outright abuser, like Charlotte, but she was cunning, manipulative, and this whole thing was premeditated. And, like Charlotte with son Ryan, she got son Michael, then 17 to participate in the burying of his stepfather, then cover this up, for eight years. Her words to him, that day, were--"I shot Mike. Now go to school!"

                                                           Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, thanks to Patrick, Ellen was found out, Michael cracked being interrogated, (for his cooperation, he was not charged) and while the 11 year sentence is hardly the justice she deserves, at least she was found culpable, charged, and locked up. Where, hopefully, she will stay longer; maybe the Snyders will work against behalf of her parole.

                                                              But that remains to be seen. Meantime, we have Ellen  Snyder, Bitch Of The Week, one of the most cold and calculating (not to mention devious, having a history of embezzlement at a previous company, and being charged with tax fraud in filing "Mike's" returns!!!!!!!)  I hope she rots in jail, till all her hair falls out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  These people never seem to learn!!!!!!!!! Divorce is SO much easier, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Have committed a faux pas Darlings?!

  2. Endorse murder only if you have the courage to mean it and back up otherwise empty words ...

  3. There was history of fussin n fighting. But she didnt have to murder the poor man. My heart goes out to the snyder family. MayGod easethe pain. Much love to u all

  4. One of the many injustices committed in New Mexico, not only by scheming, evil women, but by their accomplices in the Judicial System and the Police Department. New Mexico is the 2nd most dangerous state in the USA, and it is for a reason: If the criminals don't get you, the criminals in police uniform and judges' robes will. See the blog for the evil things women have done gaming the New Mexico Judicial System.

  5. Christian Embry your name is surely made up and short for christian embryo. The people who were neighbors of this couple know the truth. You are a hater who formed your opinions based on how the guy looked. The woman used her own son to bury Mike Snyder on their property. She murdered the man to get a FULL PROPERTY AWARD from Judge Angela Juzang Jewell, who did not grant a continuance for Mike Snyder not showing up for the property division hearing, despite the fact the Judge Angela Juzang Jewell has granted continuances as a matter of course to WOMEN who did not do the same. Judge Angela Juzang Jewell has also found before in favor of women who committed other frauds upon courts like Viola Trevino, who claimed her ex-husband had impregnated her (despite the fact he'd had a vasectomy years earlier) and obtained $20,000. in child support for a NON-EXISTENT CHILD; and the case Kathylyn Beck v. Joseph Chao, where she ruled in favor of a woman who had stolen photos, with faces partly covered, from porn web site Sweet Entertainment Group d/b/a thedirtyoldman dot com, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and claimed they were of Beck and Chao, and that he had posted them on line to humiliate, annoy and harass her. New Mexico is the 2nd Most Dangerous State in the USA for a reason. The USDoJ has intervened there for a reason. On January 20, 2009, FBI S.A.C. Thomas C. McClenaghan said this during an interview on Channel 13 KRQE News (CBS affiliate): "New Mexico is the Capital of Corruption of the United States. I have NEVER seen anything like it in all of my years at the FBI. Corruption is pervasive at EVERY level of government". It has not changed since then.


  6. Demosthenes,
    Rock on! You tell it like it is, hon!

    And Howard--since when is being gay the "ultimate insult?" That statement alone
    is insulting to gqys, including me!

  7. This is crazy!!! She should fry!


  8. Angie,

    I am with you. Yes, she should fry!

  9. First off it doesnt matter if he was gay (which I dont think he was) I think she just made that up along with the fact that he was abusing her.
    She is up for parole this year (2017) and I feel bad for Michael's family. She should not be granted parole because if she gets out, she will kill again.


  10. I agree on all counts. Being gay and she abused
    were made up. And if she is released, she will do
    it again. I have hope Michael's family will
    intervene to make sure this travesty does not happen.

  11. what a killer may she never leave prison


  12. You have my complete endorsement on that.

  13. Ellen Snyder may have Bern in an abusive relationship although I can't find the statement her son made that corroborated her story about abuse. Just to see if others shared the doubt about Ellen Snyder's story I asked around in groups for opinions on this.
    Many had reservations about her abuse defense but what troubled them mostly was how Ellen profited via the false tax returns, cashed his disability checks, etc. She had a lengthy criminal record for forgery & embezzlement. I don't doubt they had a tumultuous relationship but I'm not convinced she shot him that night because she feared he'd kill her. Yes, emotional & verbal abuse are debilitating but I'm just not convinced she acted out of fear. During the Dateline interview she said the night of the murder she told her son "it's ok. Hang up" and then she went out to sit on the step to wait for the police. Why? She told him to hang up. The police never came. Things she said during the interview, her demeanor spoke volumes. I think she was fed up with the arguing, fussing, his moods, his disability which would put a lot of stress upon her having to care for him. They'd stop sleeping in the same bed. She didn't like let alone love him anymore and he the same. I think she rode the silence wave long enough to avoid a 1st degree murder charge and she probably researched Arizona penal code on 1st degree murder with mitigation or voluntary murder. She knew how long he would have to be gone. She was clever enough to wire money to a man in Phoenix under Mike Snyder's name to lend further credence to her lie about him ditching her for a male lover. She was clever (and lucid) enough to keep anyone concerned about his disappearance at bay. She was as cool as a cucumber throughout this time. She didn't fall to pieces after shooting a man 8 times. She wasn't despondent, anxious, nervous nothing. She was clearly lucid enough to hire ditch diggers to conceal her crime. She kicked the poor man while he was...dead...down by throwing construction debris into his grave. Dang. Can you get any more trifling?
    Well, employers (per her history of embezzlement & forgery) & single men are safe while she's in prison.
    She's what men (her victims) call a She-Devil. Men, watch your wallets & checkbooks around her. Don't fret. The justice system could only give her 11 years for murder, forgery, filing false tax returns but karma will probably give her much much more than that. My condolences to Mike Snyder's family, his daughter & friends.


  14. Truthfully, I think Mike had
    more to fear from her, than she from
    him. Too bad he did not realize this in
    time to extricate himself from her, and still
    be alive!

  15. I am the sister of Mike, thank you to those who posted kind words. I just thought I'd share that the day we've been dreading has come and hit us like a punch to the gut, Ellen's parole date is approaching (yes a short and unjust 8 years later). We, his family, will be attending the parole hearing this Friday and are only able to request special considerations for her release but unfortunately her parole is imminent.


  16. L.B.
    I am sorry for you and your family.
    And society if Ellen is paroled. Stay
    away from her. She will strike again.

  17. Thank you and I agree, she scares us. One of our requests will be that she stay away from any member of our family.

    1. L.B. God Rest Michael’s Soul, and God Bless You & Your Family.
      I do remember hearing about, and reading about your Beloved Brother’s murder, and Linda’s trial, (Especially Seeing That she UNFAIRLY got just 11yrs.), a few years ago.
      I just caught the 2011 “Dateline,” Special On the USA Network, and I Was Remembering that I had not heard, nor read, that Linda most likely shot Michael while he was in Bed. Boy, the “JUSTICE” System really does SUCK Sometimes!! 😡
      L.R., and Family,...Linda may Not be getting what she deserved, after killing Your Brother That Day, But SHE WILL, One Day, Certainly receive her “punishment” when Karma comes knocking! I’m sure that Our Dear Lord will also See Clear to doling out some punishment, when Linda’s Time On earth is done.
      Until then, Please Remember that Michael IS Resting In Peace in the Loving Arms of Our Lord, With your Beloved Dad, and other Dear family and friends who have Moved On Being at Home With Our Lord.
      Again, God Bless You All.

      Sue T. (Massachusetts)


  18. L.B.
    That request is the best decision
    you can make. I certainly hope it
    is granted. I cannot imagine it not
    being granted.

  19. Sue T. You are so kind and your heartfelt words means a lot - thank you!

  20. I just watched this cold hearted bitch! I agree that the one person in the house that could have corroborated the abuse never mentions it! I feel for the family! I also lost my brother and the pain is unbearable. But I would never ask my children to help me bury a body and then keep the secret! I am aware of domestic abuse and the need for self defense but this story does not match with the evidence and her actions are not that of an abused person. Shame on her for trying to smear his name to cover up her callous, calculating and self serving crime! My heart goes out to the family and the people that really knew him!

  21. I am watching Dateline: Secrets Uncovered, and I cannot believe this murderer is given a platform once again to spin more lies about Michael Snyder. She is still lying through her teeth. I don't know her personally, but I'd bet a diagnosis of Narcissistic Sociopath would fit her well. If she cares about anything other than herself, it is in the form of destructive power and control over people. She likely cannot love her children or anyone else; love and relationships are tools of power to manipulate and dominate. In this episode she shows no apologies, no guilt, no remorse whatsoever. She still acts as though her actions were completely justified. After the murder, she continued on with life as though she were invincible. The needs/wants of her children and Michael's family were insignificant and undeserving of consideration. He likely had figured out that this woman was/is impossible to be married to, and was in the process of leaving her when she shot him 8 times while he slept.

    I am a firm believer that this lady will continue with her insane behavior and she will kill again, or she will drive someone else to choke the life out of her. This poor guy...if he did scream/yell at her, put bruises on her, etc., I wouldn't be surprised because cray cray like this Medusa will drive sweet, quiet men to the brink. Stay away from this one, guys. She'll drive you to drink, and much more. I am a firm believer that God's judgement is far worse than anything we little earthlings can muster for this one!

  22. Cvillegirl,

    I could not have said it better.
    Definitely a Narcissist Sociopath.
    And the program I watched it on
    shows it clearly stems from her
    parents--both of them!

  23. LB Hi my heart goes out to you and your family. What that women did was cruel, not only to your brother but to a 17 year old boy who was probably terrified of what she might do if he didn't help her and to their young daughter who was so close to her daddy, just seeing her clinging to him in the films that you showed was so heartbreaking.
    May I ask, did she get her parol? I hope not I really do, know its inevitable but she hasn't served nearly enough time for what she did to your brother.
    I'm sorry but I do not in anyway shape or form believe that she was in an abusive relationship nor do I believe that the stories of him being gay were true either.
    I hope both of the kids who's lives she destroyed are ok and that though what Micheal did was wrong at 17 I can't blame him, he was probably very scared and confused, she was his mum, she probably did some brain washing with him, and bullied him into doing stuff and he spoke with his friend because he felt so bad about it all. I hope she hasn't messed his life up. I also hope that your brothers daughter is ok and that you still get to see her, and thought I'm sure this has affected her in a huge way I hope that she has been able to build a life and is nothing like her mother, but was given the caring and loving side of your brother.
    I hope you and your family can rebuild your lives and remember the happy times, I know that hole can never be filled, but your love for him with be forever and now he's been laid to rest where you can go and sit with him I'm sure he's at peace looking down on you all.

  24. I've dated this type of woman before. Ellen will tell as many lies as she is given the opportunity to tell. If her lips are moving, then she is lying. It's as simple as that. Not only has she shown no remorse, but she claims she was justified in her actions. Evidence showed he was in his bed at the time he was shot and she profited financially from his death. Mike told his family that he planned on leaving Ellen and she wasn't going to allow another man to leave her, without getting revenge. This was a premeditated murder no doubt. She should have received 11 years solely for stealing his $60,000 401(K) and for the $4,000 a month disability check that she collected. Then double it for the murder. She clearly got away with murder, which she covered up. I'm not surprised her next marriage only lasted a year. I wish they would have interviewed her last husband. He probably came to his senses and realized what a psycho she is.


  25. I agree. That husband escaped
    being her next victim.
    Unfortunately, someone will
    be victimized eventually, because
    she is destined to end up back in

  26. Was there really a Dave Simmons in Phoenix who knew Michael Snyder? Dateline left us hanging on that point.

  27. Mr. Carpenter,

    While I cannot fully prove this,
    I believe there was no David Simmons.
    Bitch Ellen made the whole thing up.

  28. Thanks, I tended to think that as well.
