Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Now, THIS Is An Apocalyptic Vision, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Remember the then famous, and shocking, climax at the end of the original (and, as far as I am concerned, the only) film version of "Planet Of The Apes?"  The one with Charlton Heston????????

                                    The photo above brings that scene to mind, for me.  Back in the day when I was young and unsophisticated enough to consider the Jersey Shore the most magical place on Earth, the Gold Standard, of amusement parks, as far as rides were concerned, was Seaside Heights!!!!!!   I was only there once--my family tended to gravitate to Asbury Park or Point Pleasant--but I have to say, the time we did go to Seaside, the array of rides was indeed impressive.

                                      These rides were housed in a section of the park, called Fun Town, and what stood out above the rest was this iconic roller coaster, overlooking the sea.  Now, I never went on that roller coaster; when I was young, and foolish enough, to want to, my mother simply would not let me; when I grew older, I lost that youthful venturesomeness, and now you could not get me on one, if you paid me.

                                          But when I heard that Hurricane Sandy destroyed this iconic attraction, not to mention a good deal of the rest of Fun Town, I was saddened.  And this photo, I think illustrates, for many of us, the devastation that Sandy wreaked upon our shores.  Think of the people living year round in Seaside Heights.  And now, as a Brooklynite, myself, I have not yet been out to Coney Island!!!!!!!  I am afraid to go, at this point, frankly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, I wanted to share with all my girls a true apocalyptic vision!  The like of Fun
Town, and its famous roller coaster may never be seen again, at least in our lifetimes.  For those of us old enough to remember, they enriched us while they were there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Time, unfortunately, marches on, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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