Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, My God!!!!!!! It Is The End Of An Era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Since 1930, when the company was founded, generations of children were raised, so to speak, on Hostess products. We all had our favorites; mine were the Sno-Balls; especially, the pink ones, though I also liked the orange ones at Halloween and the green upon St. Patrick's Day.

                                             For others, it was Twinkies, Cup Cakes, or Fruit Pies!!!!!!  And who could forget Ann Blyth, Miss Veda herself, shilling these products, with her tongue-in-cheek delivery, that parodied, in a way, her signature role?????????????

                                               Yes, girls, I know these aren't the healthiest things to eat. And I could not tell you when the last time I had a Sno-Ball was. Most likely last year; I would indulge in something like this maybe yearly, at this stage of life.

                                                  But a life without Sno-Balls????????? How shocking and illusion bursting is that to contemplate????????  And the future generations of children who will be deprived, not having the experience, which they won't be able to remember, anyway!!!!!!!!  But we will!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And who could forget Mr. Pinky in the John Waters' film "Hairspray" (the only GOOD one!!!!!!) with his dress store, and Sno-Balls display, to fatten up his lovelies?????  Now it will all be just a footnote in history!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        To think that a company in business for nearly 83 years will soon be gone!!!!!!!!  It boggles the mind, girls, and disillusions the heart.

                                                           As Ann Blyth once said, "Freshness never tasted so good!"
                                                            Or ever will, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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